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17th July 1940. 

A rather wild day, cold & stormy W. wind, with several heavy showers & hail.

Drove, with Mr. D.B. Bradshaw, to Glenmacnass & he, Daisy & I went up Thonedayee:  spent most time round L. Ouler showing Mr. B. the sedges & he looking for mosses, but I went up to summit to get him a root of Carex rigida.  No hymenoptera seen all day except Bombus lucorum & agorum & the ant Formica fusca on rock in big gully fully 100 feet above L. Ouler, i.e. circa 1,900 ft. alt.  On way up (1) or at lake (2) or above same (3) saw the following sedges:-
Carex stellulata, goodenowii, pilulifera, binervis & panicea at 1;  stellulata, panicea, oederi (?) at 2, pulicaris, binervis, pilulifera, oederi (?) & very fine panicea nearly 2 ft. high at 3, where also saw good show of Saussurea & Alchemilla alpina as usual.


18th July 1940.  Garden, 14 Clareville Rd., Harolds Cross DU.  8-9 P.M.

Crabro clavipes  one (♀ ?) seen on White Currant bush at 9 P.M.
Cryptinid  ♂, blackish sp., ant. 22-seg. =
Oedematopsis scabricula  ♂
Macrocentrus abdominalis  6 ♂♂, 1 ♀ taken with sucker;  reddish form.
Colastes braconius  ♂:  a curious record for the garden!
Dacnusa laevipectus  ♀, with 23-seg. ant.

21st July 1940.

A pleasant day, but showers & skiffs accompanied by strong bursts of W. wind hampered collecting though hymenoptera very abundant in shelter.

On this morning (10 AM) the spotted Frog was seen in garden amongst sedge beside door of motor house.  Last seen 21st April.

Drove to N.E. corner of Glen of Imaal, Co. WI., via Donard & collected in five places, as follows:-

1 = Shelter belt:  ash, beech, hazel, &c., below (S. of) road, 1/2 mile E. of Ballinclea Ho.  12-12.30 noon.
2 = damp meadow with alder & Salix spp. S. side of road where it crosses tributary stream, 1/2 mile W. of Knickeen.  12.45-1.0 P.M.
3 = roadside near Knickeen & between angle of road & Stranahely.  2.0 till 4.0 P.M.

Transcription Notes:
Thonelagee = Tonelagee