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21.7.40, cont.  Glen of Imaal, WI., cont.

Macrocentrus infirmus  1 ♂ at 1.
Dispilus oleraceus?  2 large ♂♂ at 1 & 3, with 26-seg. ant.
D. capito  2 smaller ♀♀, at 1 & 3, with 22-seg. ant.
Gnamptodon pumilio  ♀ at 1.
Opius communis m.?  1 ♀, the only Opius seen, at 1, with 23-seg. ant.
Biosteres wesmaëlii  2 ♀♀ at 1 & 3.  
Alysia incongrua  1 ♀ at 5.
Phaenocarpa conspurcator  small ♀ at 1.
Pentapleura angustula?  1 ♂.
Aspilota spp. frequent:  15 from 1, [1? from 2], 3 from 3, 15 from 4-5 & 6 from 5.
= [A. rubripes  a ♂, dead, in sucker used at 2, but possibly left over from some previous day's collecting.]
A. atra, a typical ♂ at 1, with 28-seg. ant.
A. grandipennis?  6 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀ smaller than last are best referred to this sp. from 1 (2 ♂♂), 4-5 (3 ♂♂, 1 ♀) & 5 (♂ & ♀) ant. 24-26 ♂♂ 22-24 ♀♀.
A. crassifemur  4 ♂♂ & 6 ♀♀ at 1 (♀), 3 (♂), 4-5 (1 ♂, 4 ♀♀) & 5 (2 ♂♂, 1 ♀); ant. 25-27 ♂, 23-26 ♀.
A. clara  2 ♂♂, 1 ♀, at 1 (♂) & 4-5 (♂ & ♀), ant. 20, 20, 20.
A. vulgaris?  4 ♂♂ (ant. 22-23), 1 ♀ (ant. 20) at 1 (2 ♂ 1 ♀) 4-5 & 5.
A. tumida (= radialis)  2 small ♂♂ at 1 & 5, ant. 21 & 19.
A. clivosa, a nice ♀ at 1, ant. 21.
A. sp.?  a small ♀ (1.5mm.) at 3, with 18-seg. dark antennae & bright reddish tergite 1, almost smooth post-petiole.  Also a similar ♀ at 1, with 17-seg. ant.  Both with dimple
A. fuscicornis  ♂ & ♀ at 1, both with 17-seg. ant.
A. cf. praearmata miki in Hal. coll., ♂ at 4-5, ♀ at 1, both 18-seg. ant., head widened, no dimple, stout mandibles, &c.
A. minutissima  ♀ at 4-5, with 17-seg. ant.
A. (Synaldis) cf. distracta  ♂ at 1, ant. 23-seg.
A. (Orthostigma) maculipes  ♀ at 3, ant. 17-seg.
Dacnusa spp. rare
D. "areolaris" only 2 seen.
D. aphanta?  2
D. cytherea  1 ♂
D. gilvipes  1 ♀ at 5.
D. sp. n. near turissa but with long slender 29-seg. ant. pale at base & long narrow stigma.


21.7.40, cont.  Glen of Imaal, WI., cont.

Coelinius cf. n. sp. Sligo  1 ♂, at 5, but with very slender, 41-seg. ant.
Praon sp.  a few: none mounted.
Aphidius frequent:  none I think of interest:  none mounted
Proctos.  Very common:  15 mounted
Chalcids  2
Dipteron  1