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24th July,1940.  

A very fine day, with low & falling barometer, but nearly all sunny & the only showers did not come till 5 P.M., wind strong & westerly, but glen sheltered.

Devils Glen, Co. WI. 11:30 A.M. till 5.45 P.M.

1 = sides of road of glen from lower to middle lodge (in ruins): i.e. left bank of river.
2 = island & right bank of river a couple of hundred yards below fall: much mint, &c.
3 = swamps above & below road by tributary stream just above middle lodge gateway: left bank.
4 = roadsides on way down glen, mostly in upper 1/2 mile (i.e. below mid lodge), left bank.
5 = under trees, &c., below entrance to glen (lower lodge) & near "garden" plot: left bank.

[31 mounted from 1, 28 from 2, 5 from 3, 21 from 4, & from 5 & these labelled 26.1.43 et seq. A.W.S]

Bombus lucorum  ♂♂ & ☿️☿️
B. agrorum  ☿️☿️.
Psithyrus (probably distinctus) ♂♂ seen
Vespa spp. (? vulgaris, sylvestris & norvegica)
Myrmica ruginodis  1 winged ♀ swept.
Crabro styrius  1 ♀ at 4, close to ruined middle lodge.
Anteon sp.  4 ♂♂ - one each at 2, 3, 4 & 5.


24.7.40, cont.  Devil's  Glen; WI, cont.

Ichneumonina. ♂♂ very abundant everywhere, but mostly ignored:- Amblyteles, Ichneumon & Cratichneumon.  Very few Ichneumonidae kept.
Sawflies.  Selandria serva, Athalia spp. & one small black sp. (at 5) only seen:  last = 
Fenusella pygmaea  ♀ = Profenusa pygramea!  √ R.B. Benson 11.3.43.
Amblyteles palliatorius  1 ♂, first of season, at 1.

Very few Cryptids & none kept, except 2 ♀♀
Hemiteles  ♀ at 1, red punctured abd., dark wings, ant. 27.
H. bicolorinus group  ♀, very brightly coloured, at 4.
Pimpla turionellae group  ♂♂ frequent: not kept
P. quadridentata  1 ♂ at 2.
P. depositor  1 ♀ on willow at 4.

Polysphincta varipes  ♂ at 3.

Lissonota  3 ♂♂, 2 or 3 sp. at 1, 4 & 5.
= L. deversor?  2 ♂♂ at 1 & 5 & L. variabilis?  1 ♂ at 4.