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24.7.40, cont.  Devil's Glen, WI., cont.

Aspilota, very common: the following kept.
A. fulvicornis:  a nice ♂ at 2, ant. 29-seg.
A. mammilata  1 ♀ at 4, ant. 21.
A. crassifemur  1 ♂ at 2, ant. 26.
A. cynipidis var.? red petiole at 4, ant. 19, ♀!  Also a small ♀ at 1, with 19-seg. ant.
A. sylvatica  1 ♀ at 4 with 23-seg. ant.
A. nigrescens?  a small ♀ at 1, with rather oddish legs & only 16-seg. ant.
A. umbricornis?  ♀ at 4, ant. 20.
A. clara  4 ♂♂, 1 ♀ at 2, ant. 21, 21, 21, 22 & 19 respectively.
A. fuscicornis  1 ♂ at 4., ant. 16.
A. minutissima? var. with slender, elongate-segmented (16) ant. at 2, ♀!
A. sp.? near clivosa  ♀, 19-seg. ant. & also, perhaps, a ♂, ant. 21, both at 1.
A. spp.? near viatica:  ♂ (ant. 23) at 1;  ♀ (ant. 21) at 2;  & ♀ (ant. 20) at 5.

Dacnusa frequent:  only kept:- 11, as follow below.
[D. pubescens, areolaris, longiradialis 1 ♀ examined!]
D. eros.  ♂ at 2, ♀ at 1, ant. 39 & 37.
D. merella?  ♂ at 2, ant. 37, very pale.
D. transversa miki?  ♂, ant. 35, at 1.
D. grossa m.  a fine ♀ at 1, ant. 32.
D. hera  a fine ♀ at 2, ant. 29.
D. aphanta  ♂ at 2, ant. 25.
D. lestes?  ♀ at 1, ant. 23.

Ametria uliginosa  2 ♂♂, 1 ♀ at 2, ant. 27, 25 & 23.
Coelinius elegans?  1 ♀ at 5, ant. 30.
Ephedrus plagiator  ♀ at 1.

Proctos.  Very abundant:  15 only kept [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]]
= Phaenoserphus elongator  ♀ at 1
Chalcid.  1 at 1 = 


Aphidii & hyperparasites bred from Aphides taken in E. O'Mahony's garden at "Strandvilla", Mount Prospect Av., Dollymount, Co. DU. July 1940.

On parsnip:-  Aphidius exiguus Hal.  3 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀, ♂ antennae 15, ♀ 13-segmented.  Proctos & Cynipids
On peas:-  Aphidius cf. silenes Marsh.?  ♀, ant. 18-seg.
On marigold  Aphidius sp.?  ♂ very black, ant. 21-seg.

25th July 1940.  Garden, 14 Clareville Rd., DU. between 7 & 9 P.M.

Bombus agrorum & lucorum
Psithyrus barbutellus  ♂
Halictus leucopus  ♀ on flower of Rambling Rose.
Crabro clavipes  several, on White Currant leaves
Vespa vulgaris  a strong nest discovered under clump of Dryas in front garden.  [See final note under 25/10/40 p.255]
Cladius pectinicornis?  ♀
Atractodes tenebricosus  ♀
Pimpla flavicoxis?  ♂
Bassus laetatorius  ♀.
Homocidus pulcher  2 ♂♂, 1 "red", 1 "black" tergite 2.
Bracon  ♀, with 23-seg. ant.