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28th July 1940. 

A very fine day, sun & cloud, NW-W breeze, no showers; after several days of thunder & heavy showers.

Drove to Glen of Imaal, via Donard, Co. WI.  Stopped for a few minutes in overflow-channel above Donard but nothing of interest seen, though some nice Salix aurita scrub by roadside.

1 = Collected by sweeping under beech, &c., trees 1/2 mile E. of Ballinaclea Ho., as station 1 on 21.7.40.  12 noon-1.30

2 = After lunch collected in birch & alder plantation near Leitrim Barracks! W. of road from Knickeen to R. Slaney, = station 4 of 20.7.40.  2.0 till 2.30 P.M.

3 = Later walked across (E) moor to road from Knickeen to ford & Coan: collected some here & there, but chiefly by Loch Brook, just above junction with Slaney  2.30-4.30

4 = After tea swept birch & alder plantation E of road, opposite station 2 - near Leitrim Barracks - same as station 5 of 21-7.40.  5 till 6.10 P.M.

[32 from 1 mounted, 14 from 2, 20 from 3, & 39 from 4 & these labelled 1-2.1943 et seq. A.W.S.]

Bombus agrorum
Bombus lucorum  many ♂♂ seen "on their rounds".
Mellinus arvensis frequent.
Halictus calceatus  ♂♂ on Cardus arvensis flowers at 3.
Vespa rufa seen at 3.
Myrmica spp.  Many winged ♂♂ & ♀♀ seen, but not examined.


28.7.40, cont.  Glen of Imaal, WI., cont.

Formica fusca  ♂♂ swept at 1 & 2.
Anteon sp.  A large ♂ at 1. =
Anteon or Aphelopus?  Small ♂ at 2. = 
Caliroa annulipes?  1 at 4.
Eurylabus torvus  ♂ at 4.
Platylabus rufus, dark var., 1 ♀ at 4.
Mevesia arguta?  ♂ at 1.

Dicaclotus  ♂ not kept.
Epitomus pygmaeus  ♂♂.

Plectocryptus tarsalis  1 ♂ at 3.
Stilpnus blandus?  not kept
Exolytus  ♂ n.k.
Leptocryptus aereus not kept.
L. [[?tenev]]?  ♂ at 3.
Cremnodes atricapillus  ♀ at 1.
Pezomachus sp.  ♂ at 1 & P. sp.  ♂ at 4.
Pimpla turionellae group  ♂♂ & ♀♀, none kept.
P. pomorum  1 ♀ at 1
P. sp.?  ♀ at 1, runs to caolbata, but only 3 mm. long, with long near 2.5 mm;  brown (immature ?) abdomen, fuscous & white hind tibiae = cf sp. K. J.F.P.
P. sp.  ♂ at 1, with hind tibiae coloured like last, dark (mature) elongate, abdomen. =