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3rd August 1940. 

The third day in succession without a cloud, very hot sun & pleasant, cool, E-SE breeze.  Saturday!  Left Museum at 1 P.M. as senior officer both on leave for month of August (O'Connor & Gogan!) & I do not wish to be absent any afternoon during the week following.

Drove in afternoon to Grand Canal, just E. of Landenstown House, Co KD. (as often before), arriving about 4 P.M. and staying till 8.30 P.M.  Breeze strong at first and not much out till about 7 P.M.

Kept 28 from 1 = tree belt & drainsides between road & canal, 1/4  mile below lock.  4 till 5.30 PM
18 from 2 = Canal (S. side) bank between lock & plantation at 1.  6 till 7 P.M.
24 from 3 = Fields, plantation, drains, &c. S of 1; chiefly field of cut hay & edge of barley field.  7.15 till 8.30 P.M.  & these labelled 29/3/43 et seq. or earlier AWS.

The catch of the day was a ♀ Streblocera fulviceps at 3, but exactly where I cannot say.  This ♀ & 12 other specimens labelled 30/1/41! AWS.


3.8.40, cont. Landenstown Ho., KD. cont.

Anteon?  small ♂ at 3 =
Tenthredella moniliata  (? 2nd brood) ♂ at 1.
Black ♂ Nematine at 1 = Priophorus tener? 
Phygadeuonid  ♀, small wings, at 1 =
Atractodes  red ♀, at 2 =
Glypta "nigrotrochanterata" ♀ at 1.  
G. (Conoblasta) monocerus  ♀ at 2.
Colpomeria quadrisculpta  ♀ at 2.
Acrodactyla degener  ♀ at 3.
Cteniscus  ♂ & ♀ at 1, ant. 27-28 seg. respect.
Mesoleius  ♂ at 1, ant. 33.
Tryphon (Cosmoconua) ceratophorus  ♀ at 3.
Polyblastus varitarsus?  ♂ at 3, very small, only 52 seg. ant.
Perilissus subcinctus?  ♂ at 3. 
Bassus annulatus, large ♂ at 3.
Homocidus bizonarius  ♀ at 3. 
H. ornatus  ♂ at 3, large!
Meloboris  ♀ at 2. 
Thersilochid  ♀ at 2 = ant. 17 segmented.

Bracon epitriptus  ♂ & ♀ at 2 (Run down to this sp. also in [[?Telonge's]] key!!! the first time I had used the key! AWS 31.3.43)
Clinocentrus gracilipes  Thoms.  A very nice ♀ at 1, ant. 31 seg.
Oncophanes minutus  ♀ at 3. 
Apanteles tetricus?  1 ♀ at 3.
Streblocera fulviceps : a beautiful ♀ at 3, see p.165 opposite (This & others from 3 labelled in Nov. 1940)
Meteorus ictericus  ♀ at 1. 
M. scutellator  ♀ at 2.
M. abdominator  ♀, short wings, at 3. 
M. sp.? cf. melanostictus dark var.?  clear wings of dark stigma 33-seg. ant. &c. at 1.  AWS 31.3.43

Transcription Notes: