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3.8.41, cont.  R. Canal, Leixlip, KD. cont.

Proctos, frequent but not common.  Kept 5 from 1, 3 from 2 & 8 from 3.
Chalcids 2 = Stenomacrus rufescens  1 at 3.
Hemiptera  4 from 1, 2 from 2, 1 from 3 = 
Diptera  2 at 1 = 

6th Aug. 1941.  Garden, Harold's Cross, DU.

A fresh ♀︎ Bombus lucorum seen in garden on Erica tetralix flowers in tub, but heavily laden with bright yellow pollen.  During the previous week quite a number of fresh queens of lucorum had come into N. windows in the museum, apparently to seek places to hibernate, & many ♂︎♂︎ seen in garden & at Leixlip.


7th August 1941.

A fine day but almost entirely dull, not warm, with cool westerly breeze, which dropped in afternoon (when wind apparently turned E. in Dublin & along coast & a jam resulted with rain between 7.30 & 8.30 P.M.).  Took 10.30 bus (& cycles) to Naas & then cycled along canal to the Leinster Aqueduct (over Riv. Liffey) (W. of Sallins), & did a little sweeping along S. side of canal at Barrettstown (= 1), then on to usual ground between Digby's Bridge & Landenstown Ho., where swept side of canal (= 2) plantation S. of road (= 3) & sides of hay-field (in barley in 1940!) S. of plantation (= 4).  Scarcely any small insects out & collecting very disappointing - probably owing to several days cold & showery, with high wind, that preceeded this day.

Grand Canal, &c., east of Landenstown Ho. Co. KD.

Bombus lucorum, agrorum & hortorum, only, seen.
Psithyrus distinctus & campestris  ♂︎♂︎ seen.
Halictus albipes & calceatus  ♂︎♂︎ abundant.
Crabro palmipes?  1♀︎ at 3.
Anteon  ♂︎ at 1.
Myrmica sp. many males swept:  not examined