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19.10.41 cont.  Slade of Saggart, DU., cont.
[14 insects mounted & these labelled 15.2.44]

Bombus lucorum ♂︎ seen on ivy above Saggart.
[B. agrorum ♂︎ several times seen in garden, 14 Clareville Rd., DU. in forenoon!]
Vespa (no double vulgaris) seen in glen & at various places along road from Dublin. 
Dicaelotus? red spp.  2♀︎♀︎.
D. pumilus  1♀︎.
Atractodes sp.  red ♂︎
Stilpnus gagates  ♀︎♀︎:  not mounted.
Pezomachus rufulus?  ♀︎♀︎ seen:  not mounted
Leptocryptus  1♀︎ not mounted.
Alexeter ♂︎, yellow scutellum!  not mounted.
Stenomacrus ventralis  ♂︎♂︎ & ♀︎♀︎.
S. ridibundus  1♂︎:  not mounted
Campoplegids  1 or 2:  1♀︎ mounted =

Plectiscus  ♂︎, ant. 20.
P.  ♀︎, larger, ant. 20.
Aperileptus albipalpis?  several ♂︎♂︎:  not mounted.
Proclitus fulvicornis?  1♀︎, ant. 19.


19.10.41, cont.  Slade of Saggart, DU., cont.

Meteorus filator √  1♀︎; ant. 21.
Dacnusa cf. laevipectus  ♀︎♀︎ common.
Proctos, frequent, 6 kept: = 

20th Oct. 1941.
A fine sunny day!  The ♂︎ Bombus agrorum again seen in garden, & quite lively on almost the last flower of Centaurea scabiosa: 14 Clareville Rd., DU.

22nd Oct. 1941.
The third almost perfect autumn day in succession:  nearly all sunny, with gentle but keen NWW breeze.  In afternoon rode to Glenasmole & then went up path from upper dam towards Glenasmole school & along top of coombs & into the "willow-glade" now greatly overgrown & hardly recognisable.  Swept here & there, but few insects taken & only a very few kept.  Saw some Vespa & one Small Tortoiseshell Butterfly.
[8 insects mounted & these labelled 15/2/44!]