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22.10.41, cont.  Glenasmole, DU., cont.

Vespa (no doubt vulgaris!) ☿☿ seen.
Ichneumon?  ♀︎ hunting through grass below dam.
Dicaelotus cameroni?? this:  Gen. et sp.?! AWS. 15.2.44.  1♀︎ swept below dam, at "tunnel".
Stilpnus gagates  1♂︎.
Stenomacrus ventralis  ♀︎♀︎  Swept in plantation beside upper patch of Carex aquatilis
Mesochorus  1♀︎, ant. 32, small.
Alysia manducator  1♀︎, swept in field above "willow-glade".
Phaenocarpa livida  1♂︎;  below dam or in plantation.
Dacnusa longiradialis  1♀︎, ? below dam.
Proctos.  3:  all mounted! = Cryptoserphus laricis  ♀︎!


26th Oct. 1941.
A fine day, with N. wind & much sun.  In afternoon took bus to Bohernabreena, George being home for a week's holidays, & walked up east side of the Glen to Glenasmole school, then down to upper dam & back through water-works.  
Did not collect & saw no hymenoptera.

27th Oct. 1941.
Milder, with falling barometer & little sun.  In front garden, 14 Clareville Rd., DU., saw a ♀︎ Bombus lucorum when home for lunch at 1.45 P.M. looking for "sweets" in vain at old flowers of Hydrangea along Ellis's fence.  No doubt the same ♀︎ seen shortly afterwards by Daisy & George, who was home for a week's holiday.

14th November 1941.
A ♂︎ Clouded Yellow (C. croceus) taken by Mrs. Tutty (?) & shown me still alive on 18th by A.A. Living's father.  It was taken at Shankill, Co. Dublin.

19th Nov. 1941.
A fine afternoon.  Walked from Whitechurch bus up lane behind St. Columba's College & back to bus.  Vespa vulgaris ♂︎♂︎ & ☿☿ abundant in ivy-blossom.  No other hymenoptera seen.