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30.4.42, cont.  George's Bridge, WI., cont.

Campoplegid ♂︎♂︎: a few only; no ♀︎♀︎ seen.  Kept only 
Sagaritis  ♂︎, ant. 35.
Proclitus?  ♂︎, ant. 22.
Apanteles fulvipes? & circumscriptus?  1♂︎ each.
Dacnusa areolaris, laevipectus 1♀︎, lestes? 1♂︎, aphanta 2♂︎♂︎, gilvipes 2♀︎♀︎, longiradialis ♂︎ & ♀︎.
Aspilota nigrescens?  ♂︎ ant. 22.
Praon volucre?  ♂︎:  small:  ant. 22.
Ephedrus lacertosus  1♀︎.
Aphidius  ♂︎ not kept.
Proctos:  only 3

Butterflies.  Orange Tip ♂︎♂︎ (? ♀︎♀︎).
Wood White:  a dead specimen taken from an ant (F. fusca) which was taking it home to nest on W. side of bridge.
Dragon fly:  a small red. sp. probably Pyrosoma nymphula
Coleoptera frequent.


1st May 1942.
The east wind having gone & replaced by a N.W. gentle breeze, this was an almost perfect day.
Large White Butterflies seen in various places between Museum & Clareville Rd.

3rd May 1942.
All sunny, as was the 2nd, with gentle E. breeze.  First flower on Clematis montana at back gate opened.  Also first flowers on Vaccinium oxycoccus in tub in back garden.  On duty in museum in afternoon.

4th May 1942.
At 11 AM. saw two Swifts hawking over Leinster House & watched same for some minutes.
A very hot day with gentle E. breeze in city, but N.W. at Harold's Cross, from which latter direction small clouds began to appear in the afternoon - the first clouds to be in the sky since 29th April.

5th May 1942.
A few clouds, with strong SW-W wind;  quite a hot day & much softer than any previous day.  Temperature in my room in museum almost 70° F. at 5 P.M., while on previous Monday (27th April) the room was so cold that I had to get the fire lit.  At 5.30 P.M. in back garden saw Psithyrus distinctus ♀︎, Halictus leucophus ♀︎, Bombus lapidarius ♀︎, Andrena jacobi ♀︎, Odynerus pictus ♂︎, very small, & 2 examples of the Narcissus Fly.  Also several Swifts heard screaming at 7 P.M.  After lunch