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23.5.42, Aft. cont.  Old Head, WM. cont.

Euphorus sp. nov.  1 (♂︎?) short head, with raised vertex, red spot over eye, &c.
Diospilus capito?  1♀︎.
Oenone  1: not mounted.
Dacnusa areolaris  1♂︎:  not mounted.
Trioxys curtus sp. n. ♀︎.  Type!  AWS. 25.2.1944.  Tergite 1 short & broad pleura matt, face & body black, except pale parts of tergite 1, &c.
Praon  ♂︎, ant. 27, with discocubital nerve scarcely visible!
Procto.  1 } none mounted
Cynipids  6 } none mounted
Chalcid  1 } none mounted

Dolerus picipes  ♂︎
Athalia lineolata  ♂︎:  not mounted.
Sp. on birch with clouded wings  3♀︎♀︎ =
Scolioneura betuleti  1♀︎.
Nematine  ♂︎, yellow-marked head = Pteronidea oligospila?
Tenthredo "arenata"  1♀︎ swept by stream:  not mounted


24th May 1942.

A wild day, after a stormy night, but no serious showers;  mild in shelter;  with considerable sun.

Did not collect in morning!  In afternoon, between dinner & aft. tea (3 till 5 P.M.) swept in two places along E. margin of woods from hotel to N. of quay:-  top of first field N. of stream & particularly top corner of second field;  almost entirely taken on lee side of Salix bushes = 1;  swept off birch, hazel & Salix, &c., at edge of wood (near sea) N. of quay = 2.

Old Head, Co. WM.

Bombus lucorum  ♀︎♀︎ & 2☿☿ seen (one at hotel & the other on Pedicularis sylvatica at 1).
Nomada marshamella  ♂︎
Nomada bifida  ♂︎ at 2.
B. agrorum  ♀︎♀︎ at 1 & 2.
Andrena fucata  ♀︎ on V. Creeper on hotel.
Vespa rufa  ♀︎ at hotel on Virginia Creeper at hall door.
Pemphredon lethifer  ♂︎ picked off grass at 1 by Daisy.
Anteon  2 spp. frequent on Salix at 1, also at 2
= A. [[?otiartes]]  ♂︎?  1 mounted from 1
A. sp. with short yellowish antennae, 2♂︎♂︎ mounted from 1.
Aphelopus melaleucus  ♂︎ at 1.
Dolerus nigratus  ♀︎ at 1
Pontania spp. frequent at 1.

Pteronidea?  2♂︎♂︎, with yellow heads, at 1
= P. polyspila? & P. sp. ?
Athalia lineolata  ♂︎ at 1.
A. [[strikethrough]] cordata? var. [[/strikethrough]] lineolata  ♀︎ at 1, yellow on pleura.