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4th June 1942. 

The first really hot day & with only a gentle breeze (NW-W).  Nearly all sunny. 

In morning collected a few insects along cliffs N. of quay, as on 3rd.

In afternoon rode on bikes to Laghta Eighter, about 5-6 miles up the Bunowen, climbed up outfall of glacial overflow-channel to west of gap through which said river now flows out of inner valley & drains several [[?cosries]] , including Lug-a-v'Braun;  then went up to summit of hill 1287 to west of channel & back along its N. face.  Found the outfall of channel filled with Sax. umbrosa & both Filmy Ferns growing in profusion, but no other plants of any interest, except a little Empetrum nigrum on cracks of face at NW corner of hill also saw some nice patches of Antennaria dioica & on summit a little Empetrum.  Migrant butterflies seen at various places on roadside, on hill side & on summit watched 3 Red Admirals & 1 Painted Lady chasing each other, also saw on summit one Libellula IV-maculata & one Wall Butterfly.


4th June 1942, cont.

Cliffs, just N. of quay, Old Mead, Co. WM.

[5 insects mounted & these labelled 19.3.1944!  AWS.]

Humming-bird Hawk-moth watched;  & on return to hotel Red Admiral butterflies seen in several places, including an assembly of 4 on trunk of a large tree by stream.  Six-spot Burnet (1) first seen.
Two icks only mounted from the mornings catch:-
Cryptinid  ♂︎, red. abd., 25-seg. ant.

Phytodictus segmentator?  ♀︎, long terebra, ant. 34.
Omorga faunus  ♀︎, ant. 33.
Pompilus nigerrimus  ♂︎ on cliffs.
Halictus villosulus  ♀︎.