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7.6.42, cont. Mweelrea, Co. WM., cont. 

jutting out westwards from main mass, examining several small bits of stiff en route;  worked along W. face of said ridge, past a small peaty tarn in hollow of ridge & then cut back to car, discovering a [[/strikethrough]] huge [[/strikethrough]] deep gorge down which flows a small stream from S.W. face of Mweelrea, this gorge well worth a special visit but too precipitous to be worked from above & difficult to work from below because of deep pools below numerous waterfalls.

Insects almost nil but during short spell of sun during lunch a small Tipulid was seen in abundance, one female of which brought away, as well as a small very black brachypterous Dipteron.  One purple click-beetle seen flying during same sun burst.  The following beetles collected under stones of the cairn.


7.6.42, cont.  Mweelrea, Co. WM., cont.

Plants very scarce, as cliffs too solid & dry, but the following were those of most interest seen:-

Hymenophyllum unilateral?  Seen in great abundance on rocks & turf banks of stream & on cliffs, almost to the summit.  I feel sure that all or most of what we saw was this species.  [[strikethrough]] though Praeger in the [[?S]] in Ireland says that H. [[?tenbristymus]] is the filmy fern of the district. [[/strikethrough]]
Saxifraga umbrosa to the highest rock shelter near the summit.
Sax. stellaris abundant lower down by rills & trickles on W. face, but none seen on cliffs anywhere.
Sea Pink.  Frequent over screes on col N. of summit & occasionally on cliffs.
Carex rigida all over the peaty summit & on the higher cliffs.
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi a large patch in the gorge referred to above, on way back to car.
Juniper.  A large plant with the last hanging down side of gorge, but ? which species.