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21st June 1942. 

A very hot day, scarcely any wind & that variable, W or E, very hot sun but a good deal of light cloud.

Did not go out till after tea, 6.30 P.M., then rode to Clondalkin, Co. DU., arriving at 7.15 & leaving at 8.45.  Swept side of canal & drain parallel to same on S. side, above locks W. Clondalkin (as in 1941).

Labelled [C'l'd'k'n! Co. DU. AWS. 21.6.42] & "1" or "2".
14 mounted from 1 & 13 from 2 & these labelled 4.10.1944! AWS.

Grand Canal, W. of Clondalkin, DU. 
1 = reed belt just above highest lock & drain at same place, also reed-bed 1/2 mile further up at entrance gate to farm & drain at latter place also.
2 = drain at last place only.

Meadow Brown Butterfly 1st seen 1942, but only 1♀︎.
Bombus derhamellus 1♀︎ seen at 1
Very few other bumbles seen & none close at hand.

Tenthredo "arcuata" common at 2.
Tenthredella colon?  A fine ♀︎ swept along the ditch at 2.
Dolerus palustris at 1, on Equisetum limosum in drain.


21.6.42, cont.  Clondalkin, DU. cont.

Pontania galls very abundant on Salix fragilis & on a silvery leaved Salix (a hybrid?) growing along the ditch at 1.  One ♀︎ Pontania swept off latter Salix at 1 = Pontania 

Anteon  1 at 1.
Cryptinids  8 or 10: none kept.
[No Pimplids:  though 1♀︎ turionellae group (?) seen]
Bassus tricinctus  2 ♂︎♂︎
[No Homocidus taken, but 1♂︎ H. [signatus, I think seen].
Mesoleid, orange abdomen, ♀︎ in drain at 2 = 
= Ipoctonus atomator ♀︎ (labelled 1 but really taken at 2!)
Mesoleid:  several at same place:  not kept (?semi caligatus group)
Cteniscus  ♂︎, not kept, at 2.
Mesochorus  small ♂︎ at 2;  larger ♀︎ at 1:  not kept.
Thersilochid  ♀︎ at 1, not kept.
Campoplegids:  very rare & none kept:  only 2 or 3 taken or seen.

Bracon sp. near epitriptus but legs dark & terebra as long as abdomen, ant. 28.  1♀︎ at 1.
B. sp.?  ♂︎ at 2, with rugose propodeum, 29-seg. ant. &c.

Transcription Notes: