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23.8.42, cont.  Blessington, WI., cont.

Taken at 1, cont.

Daenusa eros  1♀︎, ant. 40.
D. uma Nixon  2♂︎♂︎, ant. 35 & 37.
D. cf. credne Nixon?  ♂︎, ant. 36.
D. cf. aphanta?  a minute ♀︎, with 22-seg. ant., reddish tergite 2, &c.;  head slightly widened behind the eyes!

Chaenusa conjungens  ♂︎ & ♀︎ }
Ephedrus plagiator  ♂︎ } 
Praon }
Aphidius sp. very rare:  a few only }
Proctos.  common: none kept }
None of these mounted

Taken at 2.
[33 mounted from 2 & these labelled 26.11.44!]

Anteon ruficornis  ♀︎
Cryptinids 7: including Pezomachus fasciatus ♀︎;  Exolytus
1 Hemiteles.
Microcryptus sp. ♀︎, ant. 22.
Scopesus gesticulator Thunb. (= nigricollis Grav.)  ♂︎ √ AWS. 11/9/42.  Labelled & put away!
Promethes sulcator & cognatus  ♂︎♂︎.
Cteniscus aurifluus  ♂︎
Homocidus obscuripes  ♂︎.
Meloboris  2 spp.


23.8.42, cont.  Blessington, WI., cont.

Taken at 2, cont.

Bracon fulvipes  ♀︎♀︎:  not mounted.
B. communis group  ♂︎, ant. 24.
B. sp. near discoideus  ♂︎, ant. 30
B. sp. near discoideus  ♂︎ & ♀︎, ant. 29 & 27
B. near epitriptus (dark legs!)  ♂︎, ant. 32.
Exothecid? ♀︎ = Oncophanes minutus, ant. 21.
Microgaster globatus?  ♂︎, 2♀︎♀︎:  not kept.
Apanteles infimus?  1♀︎.
Blacus ruficornis & tripudians  1♂︎ each.
B.  1♀︎;  small, with very short antennae!
Opius irregularis, communis miki & caesus:  frequent.
O. cf. pactus Hal.  (♀︎?), ant. 31.
O. pallipes?  a small ♂︎, ant. 24.
O. balteatus m.  a very nice ♀︎, ant. 28.
O. irregularis  ♀︎, ant. 23.
O. cf. exilis  ant. 25 ♀︎ (or a small tacitus?)
Alloea contracta  2♀︎♀︎.
Aspilota  2♀︎♀︎ = A. rubripes m.  a very small ♀︎, with rather slender 14-seg. antennae & palish legs.
& A. cf. viatica group:  a small ♀︎, with 18-seg. ant.
Dacnusa areolaris, pubescens, aphanta, cyclops, affinis, bellina 1♀︎, elegantula, maculipes ♀︎ examined:  kept the following