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8.4.43. cont.  Marlay, DU.,, cont.

Taken at 2, cont.
Dacnusa bellina  ♂︎, ant. 24 - very small with maculated hind femora & dark antennae.
Monoctonus caricis  1♂︎.
Aphidius renominatus Hincks.  ♀︎, ant. 17 = (A. cirsii Hal.)
Cynipids.  4 (2 spp.?) =
Proctos.  8♀︎♀︎ - 3 mtd. of one sp. & 1 ex. of another (also mtd.): = 

Taken at 3.
[3 mounted & these labelled 8.1.1945.]
[Bombus muscorum:  very fresh ♀︎ seen on N. side of lake along pasture field]
Phygadeuon?  ♂︎
"Pimpla" oculatoria  ♂︎ swept out of Spruce, ant. 27
Dacnusa areolaris group, 2♂︎♂︎:  same sp. as at 1 only larger specimens.
Chalcid 1 (mtd.) black species.


9th April 1943.
Weather dry & dull, N.W.-N. wind.
First flower opened on Cardamine pratensis in garden.

10th April 1943.
First flower of old clump of Euphorbia hiberna opened in front garden.  Willow Wren singing in garden behind No. 2 Clareville Rd. at 7.0 P.M., an unusual occurrence in this district & probably just arrived & will pass on.  Another unusual bird noted passing over garden about 1st April was a pair of Herons which attracted my attention by calling "Jack".

11th April 1943.
A fine day, dull in forenoon but with much hot sun in afternoon;  Wind SW., rather strong but not cold.
Saw in back garden, 14 Clareville Rd., Dublin, before lunch Bombus lapidarius ♀︎;  Andrena jacobi - a very fresh ♀︎ on flowers of Primula (Cowslip x Primrose);  & also fresh ♂︎ & very fresh ♀︎ of Andrena albicans.
Two flower heads on plant of Orchis mascula brought from Torr Head, Co. Antrim, in May 1913, now 30 years with me.
In afternoon rode to Glenasmole, Co. DU., & did some sweeping, but little out - see p.75 ->