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19.5.43, cont.  Portmarnock dunes, DU., cont.

[34 insects mounted & these labelled 27.1.1945!]

Bombus lucorum, muscorum, derhamellus ♀︎♀︎
B. lucorum ☿☿, a few seen & I think 1☿ of B. jonellus
Andrena sericea ♂︎♂︎ & ♀︎♀︎ in one sand hollow
Bethylus fuscicornis  2 seen running about on dead Marram Grass leaves.
B. cephalotes  1 seen at same place.

N.B.  It was in this spot about 1836 that A.H. Haliday made his classic observations on the storing up of small caterpillars in the hollow stemps of "seeds" [no doubt Marram Grass was the plant intended!  A.W.S.]

Myrmica ruginodis & scabrinodis.
Lasius niger.
Dolerus nigratus  ♂︎.
Tenthredo narsata  1 dark ♂︎.
Amauronematus vittatus  3♀︎♀︎ swept off S. repens.  NB. During life & even the next day the underside of abdomen of ♀︎ (but not sides of anus of same!) are bright green & contrast beautifully with the reddish-brown meso-thorax;  the stigma of anus is pale straw colour.  AWS. 20.5.43.  
A. vittatus √ ca. 34♂︎♂︎, with last - most sent to Benson who agreed! AWS.
Nematine ♀︎, black = Priophorus tener?
Schizocera geminata  10♂︎♂︎ swept off Rosa spinosissima;  no ♀︎ taken.
Cratichneumon  ♂︎, ant. 39.


19.5.43, cont.  Portmarnock, DU. cont.

Cryptinids  10: kept only:-  Phyganeuonids 4♂︎♂︎ & Hemiteles 1♂︎
Pimpla depositor  ♀︎, ant. 27 in Salix repens.
P. stercorator  ♂︎ ant. 25.
Homocidus cf. "megaspis"  ♂︎, ant. 21, & pale-lined scutellum.
Cteniscid ♂︎ = Eridolius bimaculatus! ant. 27.
Exochus gravipes  ♀︎ with projecting ovipositor [[image]]:  (shrunk in drying!! AWS. 1945.)
Mesoleius?  ♀︎, entirely black, ant. 24.
Mesochorus  small sp. 2♂︎♂︎ =
M. sp.? large ♀︎ =
Campoplegids 12:  none mounted.
Bracon "concolor" ♀︎, ant. 21.
B. sp. near tornator, but terebra of ♀︎ short, 1♂︎ (ant. 36) & 1♀︎ (ant. broken!) =
Apanteles spp:  fulvipes group 6 } not mounted
A.  1
Meteorus cf. pallidus?  ♂︎, ant. 39.
Perilitus  ♂︎ & ♀︎ = aethiops?  ♂︎ ant. 26, ♀︎ 23.
Opius lugens  ♂︎, ant. 20
Dacnusa areolaris group.  2♂︎♂︎: not mounted.
Aphidius spp. 6:  1♀︎ mounted = A. matricariae ♀︎, ant. 14.
Hemipteron =
Coleopteron =

Rogas sp.  An Arctia caterpillar stung by a Rogas found, but the parasite died with only its head & front legs sticking out of the hole.

Some stung Aphides on Rosa spinosissima brought home from which Chalcids & 1♂︎ Praon abjectum? (ant. 19) had emerged by 17th June 1943.