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30.5.43, cont.  Royal Canal, KD., cont.

Taken at 4, cont

Dacnusa aphanta, melanocera, elegantula, pubescens, areolaris group, examined.
D. postica  2♀︎♀︎, ant. 28 in one, the other broken.
D. talaris  1♂︎, ant. 31.
D. senilis  1 large ♀︎, ant. 33.
D. [[strikethrough]] ? sp. n. areolaris group [[/strikethrough]] with widened head, & well-marked sternauli = D. confinis Ruthe, with exaggerated head;  ant. 24-seg.
D. cf. mamertes Nixon??  ♂︎, ant. 31, tergite 2 with many hairs, &c.
D. melanocera  ♂︎, ant. 27.
Aphidius spp.  9 exx.
Proctos.  15, including
Disogmus  2♂︎♂︎ & 3 others mounted


30.5.43, cont.  Rye Water & Royal Canal, Co. KD. cont.

(Seen or taken at 1, 2, 3 or 4:  coleoptera mostly at 3 or 4.)

Bombus lucorum, muscorum & agrorum  ♀︎♀︎ seen, no ☿☿!
Psithyrus rupestris  1♀︎ at 1
Ps. campestris  dark ♀︎ at 1.
Ps. distinctus  ♀︎ at 3.
Pemphredon sp. on Salix at 1, either shuckardi or lethifer!
Odynerus trifasciatus  ♂︎ at 4 on bramble between poplar stump & gate.
Bethylus fuscicornis along edge of canal at 3.
Anteon?  ♂︎
Ophion cf. brevigena J.F.P. MS.  ♀︎ (at 1 or 2), ant. 63.
Tenthredo "arcuatus"  ♀︎ (at 1 or 2)

Barypithes pellucidus:  two taken inside wall at 4, at same place where one taken last year.
Dasytes aerosus Kies:  a slender, long,, but small (1/3 inch) beetle, with shaggy hair, black, but? where taken:  only records given by Johnson & Halbert are Santry, DU., Maynooth, KD., & Kenmare, SK.
Donacia linearis (= simplex) fide E O'M.  
Green, red-tipped clytra = Malachius bipustulatus!  E.O'M. 
Coccinella variabilis:  chess-board variety!  E.O'M.
Sunius angustata at 3!  E.O'M.