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Galls on Salix repens.  See p. 66 to follow ->

During, the summer 1st Aug of 1943 Mr. Frank Meagher collected many branches of Salix repens whose leaves & stems were galled by Nematine sawflies.  The first of the commenced to emerge on 8th April 1944.  

Altogether only 1♂︎, 4♀︎♀︎ emerged & as all are Euura sp. I assume that all came from galls on the twigs & none from the many galls on the leaves.  The galled willows were on an island in L. Corrib, Co. Galway N., but which island I don't know.



January opened very mild & dry, with a gale on 2nd followed by mild dull weather & just a trace of frost on night of 4th.  George came home on leave on 5th.  Snowdrops (2) in garden beneath drawing room window ready to open on 7th on which day received a letter from J.E. Flynn (of Roche's Hotel, Glengarriff) saying that Tuesday (4th Jan.) had been like a summer's day there & he had seen 4♀︎♀︎ of Bombus lucorum at flowers of Erica.

12th Jan. 44. 
A fine day with some sun, mild.  At 3 P.M. found a Peacock Butterfly fluttering on window in motor house, so let it out & it flew away strongly up garden.  This is probably one I had put there almost six weeks previously which had been sent into museum & had almost certainly come out of a clump of turf.  It was therefore not a true case of coming out of hibernation!

16th Jan. 
Daphne laureola at front door with many flowers open - probably open several days!