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24th March 1944. 
Weather turned beautifully fine & sun nearly all day, with no wind - easterly breeze in Dublin.
 White Currant flowers in back garden coming out slowly after being retarded by night-frosts.  Also flowering on Korokia!  Flower spikes on sedge, Carex stricta, against north house wall appeared.

25th March. 
An equally fine day, with scarcely a cloud & very hot sun.  Gentle E. wind in Dublin & very cool;  at 5 P.M. wind SW - W. at Harold's Cross & sun almost too hot.  During afternoon Daisy saw at least 3 Bumble Bees, one of which she recognised as a ♀︎ B. lucorum on Flowering Currant in back garden & another as B lapidarius on blue Scilla in Miss [[?Pounder's]] garden in Kenilworth Park.  At 7 P.M. in back garden we both saw a ♀︎ B. terrestris on Flowering Currant in back garden.

26th March (Sunday). 
Equally fine, no clouds, E. breeze & very hot sun.
In forenoon Daisy saw ♀︎ B. terrestris again on flowering Currant in back garden & I saw ♀︎ B. lucorum, while a ♀ B. jonellus paid a fleeting visit to Salix cinerea.
Vespa vulgaris: unusual ♀︎♀︎ seen in garden.


26/3/44, forenoon, cont.
Flowers on both ♂︎ and ♀︎ Salix against motor house in back garden out & those of ♀︎ visited by Honey Bees, of which many were at flowering Currant, & at Chionodoxa in front garden.

In afternoon rode via Clondalkin to Ballymakaily Bridge & up (i.e. westwards!) Grand Canal, where tried sweeping round some small swampy ponds in old sand pit by canal (= 1);  on return journey came back to Clondalkin by canal & tried a few minutes sweeping just west of path to dairy farm, 1/2 mile above Clondalkin (= 2)

Grand Canal, Co. Dublin.

Bombus Lucorum 2♀︎♀︎ seen on Salix by road w. of Clondalkin.
B. jonellus also 2♀︎♀︎ at Salix with last.
B. agrorum 1♀︎ seen flying across road.
B. derhamellus 1♀︎ watched for some time at 1 visiting flowers of Dandelion & Coltsfoot.
Andrena nigroaenea ♂︎♂︎ numerous at "The Green Hills", quarries E. of Clondalkin & at 1.

Transcription Notes:
Clondalkin is a busy satellite town of Dublin