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28th March 1944. 

A glorious day after a misty morning & a chilly misty day on 27th, with gentle E. breeze in Dublin.  Entirely sunny & not a cloud in sky till late evening, when a few wisps appeared.  Glass down all day & still falling in evening at 7 P.M. wind still E. at Templeogue, but smoke from numerous fires on the hills showed wind to be West there, at least above 1,000 ft.

In afternoon rode to Glenasmole, left bikes at Moore's & walked round to the 3rd coomb on E. Side of lower reservoir, where spent an hour or more “lazing”.  Swept a little in places but really nothing out & the whole wood destroyed by natives cutting the scrub & throwing the branches about.  Willows nearly in full flower & some even showing leaf;  blackthorn well out, also Wood Sorrel, & many larch trees quite green with leaves.  Heard several Chiff-chaffs on slopes opposite Moore's & Daisy heard one just above Mrs. Doyle’s on way up while I was down at the river.

No sign of other migrants.


28.3.44, cont.  Glenasmole, Co. DU. cont.
[Dacnusa & Procto alone mounted & labelled 25.2.46.]

Small Tortoiseshell Butterflies frequent. 

Peacock Butterflies : several seen in 3rd coomb & near the ford above Moore's.

Tiger Beetles by roadside.  

Bombus lapidarius  1♀︎ seen in field above wood
B. lucorum  ♀︎♀︎ at willows. 
B. jonellus  ♀︎♀︎ frequent at willows & one watched at flower of Gorse for some time.
B. agrorum  2♀︎♀︎ seen in 3rd coomb.
B. muscorum  1♀︎ seen above 3rd coomb.

Andrena clarkella  ♂︎♂︎ by roadside, as usual, on way up, when flood of 1931, swept road away.
A. apicata?  ♂︎♂︎ presumably this species seen at usual bank in 3 coomb, now, Alas!, almost destroyed by sheep.
Halictus rubicundus  ♀︎♀︎ at roadside & in 3rd coomb.
H. nitidiusculus?  1♀︎ probably this species seen in 3rd coomb at bee-bank.
Nomada leucophthalma  ♂︎♂︎ at roadside & common at bee-bank in 3rd coomb.