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11th April 1944. 
At five o'clock, p.m, a Willow Warbler was singing further up Clareville Rd. than our house!

13th Ap. 1944. 
A Small White butterfly seen in front garden at 1.30 P.M.  (See note under 6th Ap. on p.64)

15th Ap. 1944. 
A fine day after 36 hours rain & SE. wind.  Growth very rapid everywhere as hot sun shone on wet ground.  Many plants in flower such as Silene acaulis (Snowdon plant), Orchis mascula (brought from near Torr Head, Co. Antrim, in May 1913 - 31 years ago!), Ranunculus auricomus, Arctostaphylos & Cardamine pratensis.  In evening took a ♂︎ Apanteles ♂︎, on window, in motor house. 

16th April 1944. 
A very fine day, with much hot-sun in morning & evening;  middle of day mainly cloudy: wind NW & light inland, E. along coast & as far inland as Clondalkins & about Chapelizod.  Left home on bikes at 10:30 for our first all-day hike of the season & rode to Louisa Bridge, Leixlip, where collected about the


16.4.44, cont.  Rye Water & Royal Canal Co. KD.

Rye Water before lunch and then along canal further west till 5:30 P.M.  Home at 6.50.  Swept in 4 areas, as follows:- 

1 = on both sides of Rye Water, N. of aqueduct but chiefly on left bank by stream & in sedgy marsh, where I dont usually collect. 
2 = edge of canal near Mr. Mitchell's plantation 1/2 mile W. of Louisa Bridge 
3 = SE corner of grazing field W. of Mr. Mitchell's house & next to plantation. 
4 = inside walled plantation along canal where I have so often collected in the past. 

Aculeates seen during day. 
Bombus lucorum, lapidarius, derhemallus (1) & agrorum; also probabably muscorum.
Andrena clarkella ♀︎ lit on me while having afternoon tea: the first I have seen in this district, I believe!
Halictus rubicundus ♀︎.
Salius fuscus ♂︎.