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26th-29th April 1944. 
All dry & mostly entirely sunny with keen breeze, but forenoon of 29th dull.  Many plants came into flower at this period, both in garden & other places, e.g. Hawthorn (old trees in Rathmines & Leinster Roads!), Horse Chestnuts, Clematis montana (at back gate!), Vaccinium oxycoccus (in tub!), V. Vitis-Idaea (in garden!);  Raspberry & Black Currants (in garden!);  Irish Spurge full out (some flowers out previous week:  in front garden!)

28th, saw first Bassid (Ich.) in back garden at 5 P.M. = ♂︎ Homocidus subopacus ♂︎, ant. 22.

29th.  At 7 P.M. saw a solitary Swift hawking over Westfield Rd., several times in half an hour.

30th April.
Took a ♂︎ Sigalphus cf. aciculatus Ratz. (ant. 25) at birch (?) in garden, 14 Clareville Rd.


30th April 1944.

An almost perfect day, with the sun never obscured, very hot, with strong westerly breeze, falling glass & clouds on N. horizon.

Left home on bikes at 10.15 & rode to Louisa Bridge, Rye Water, Leixlip, Co. KD., arriving at 11.45.  Stayed there till 6 P.M. & collected by sweeping in five areas as follows:-

1 = Sedgy marsh, &c., on left bank of Rye Water, 100 yards above the aqueduct.

2 = Second field above aqueduct on right bank of Rye Water & a few in marsh in first "field".

3 = Mr. Mitchell's plantation on Royal Canal, 1/2-mile W. of Louisa Bridge

4 = W. side of 3rd field west of Louisa Bridge, between canal & Maynooth road.

5 = Wet ditch in SE. corner of same field.

Forty birds listed during day by Daisy, including Whitethroat (in many places!), Sedge Warbler (Rye Water), Sandpiper (by canal), Cuckoo & Corncrake.

Two Wood White Butterflies seen by canal, W. of Louisa Bridge.  Many small dragonflies probably all P. nymphula.