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23rd May 1944.

Almost entirely dully, cool, with gentle NW breeze.  Did not go out until after lunch, then left hotel about 2.10, rode across the Glen on bikes to Borman's & then walked up to E. end of Lough Curra, alt. 1850 (fide Hart!) where had afternoon tea.  While Daisy explored the lower cliffs overhanging S. side of lake, I hunted for Pisidia in the silt about roots of Littorella lacustris, which forms a great green mat at E. end of lake, but saw no sign of any mollusca or beetles.  Plenty of trout rising all over lake & plenty of flies about vegetation round about it.  On way up Daisy found a specimen of Angelus fluviatitis on stone in the outlet stream at about 1700 ft., but I saw none in the lake.  Then I swept rushes, &c. (Juncus effusus, Polytrichum sp.;  Eriophorum angustifolium, Carex goodenowii v. juncella &c.) for half an hour, along flat hollow of what appears to be an old outlet of Lough Curra (at its E. end):  here many Diptera,


23.5.44, cont.  Lough Curra, Alt. 1850 ft., ST.

a few hymenoptera (as listed below!);  several coleoptera & one or two spiders.  Later worked small range of cliffs just above & S. of this abandoned outlet of the lake, alt. ca. 1900 to 2,000.

The following plants noted by Daisy on cliffs S. of the lake (= 1) or on this cliff S. of old outlet (= 2) (if neither "1" or "2" after name it occurred at both!).

Primroses in flower, also Lesser Celandine, Sax. stellaris & S. cf. hirta - the latter very rare & not yet in flower!
Crepis paludosa, Solidago, Oxyria digyna at 1, Asplenium viride at 1, Jasione montana;  Valeriana sp. in one gully at 2, Hypochaeris radicata, Viola Riviniana abundant & in full flower [but no trace of Viola palustris!], Stellaria uliginosa, Chrysosplenium oppositifolium in flower, Vaccinium myrtillus in flower, Lycopodium Sslago, Sedum Rhodiola, Angelica, Campanula rotundifolia, Hymenophyllum peltatum, Polypodium, Carex oederi, Cochlearia "alpina", Oxalis, Pyrus aucuparia, Hieracium cf. anglicum, Ranunculus acris, &c.:  everything very parched by drought & recent cold spell & therefore all