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23.5.44, cont.  L. Curra, ST., cont.

Apanteles  ♀︎ of fulvipes group.
Pentapleura pumilio  ♀︎, ant. 18;  dark-maculated legs.
Aspilota nigrescens  ♀︎, ant. 18.
Dacnusa pubescens  ♂︎, ant. 25.
Dacnusa cf. laevipectus?  1 very large ♀︎, ant. 24.
D. cf. areolaris?  (smaller sp.)  4♀︎♀︎:  1♀︎ mtd., ant. 22, terebra distinctly projecting!
Aphidius sp.  ♂︎:  ant. 18, dark legs.
Proctos  2.  Mtd.
Chalcids  1.  Mtd.
Cynipid  1.  Mtd.
Coleoptera 5:  given to E.O'M.

Diptera  3 spp. including Stratiomyid & brachypterous long legged common black fly of the mountains (which latter occurred in thousands, with a Scatophega (?).)

Took ♀︎ of Hemiteles bicolorinus group on window in Aherlow Hotel = Hemiteles cingulator?


24th May 1944.

A fine day with much hot sun & cloudy intervals, but very strong SW wind, cool, & falling glass.

Set insects till 12 noon, then collected along roadside & in field in front of ruins of Castlereagh Ho. just E. of hotel, till 1 P.M. = 1.

In afternoon collected along roadside at foot of hill on Tipperary road, just above Newtown (= 2) & in Ballinacourty woods along old road, &c. just above (N. of) station 2 = 3.  Saw very few Aculeates - a couple of green wasps & a few ♀︎ Bombus agrorum, a very worn ♂︎ Andrena albicans & a ♂︎ A. lapponica? & a Nomada.

24.5.44 (1)
On roadside & in field in front of ruins of Castlereagh House, Aherlow,, ST.
[11 insects mounted & these labelled [Aherlow Co. ST. AWS. (1) 24.5.44] 7.11.1946!]

Nomada "ruficornis"  ♀︎
Tenthredo livida  ♂︎
Ichneumon?  ♀︎, small, red 23-seg. ant., reddish abd.
Cryptinids  9:  none mtd.