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28th May 1944.  
Very warm and mild, mainly dull, with southerly breeze. (Sunday).

Set insects in morning, but at 12.15 went to pond in Ballinacourty Woods, near ruins of Castlereagh Ho., just NE of hotel & swept in two areas till 1.45. 
1 = upper (western) pond, S & E ends & N & W end of lower pond
2 = E. end of lower (eastern) pond only.

Taken at 1. 
[51 mtd from 1 & these labelled [B.c.t.y.p Co. S.T. AWS. (1) 28.5.46] on 28.11.46!]

Crabro (Rhopalum) tibialis  ♂︎.
Dolerus ferrugatus  ♂︎.
Cryptinids 16, including many ♂︎♂︎ - ant. 23-24 & 1♀︎ - ant.20. a large of with very red abdomen =
Hemiteles varitarsus?  ♀︎, ant. 24. 
H. sp.  ♂︎, 20/21.

Acredactyla degener  ♀︎, ant. 22. 
Polysphincta varipes  ♂︎, ant. 26.
Polyblastus varitarsus,  ♂︎ ant. 39.
Homocidus obscuripes  ♂︎: not mtd.
Meloboris crassicornis  ♂︎: not mtd.
♀︎ Campopleid, ant. 23, small =


28.5.44, AM. cont. cont.  Ballinacourty, ST., cont.

Taken at 1, cont.

Bracon exilis miki  ♀︎, ant. 28, hind femoral +/- pale.
B. satanas  ♀︎, ant. 34.
B. epitriptus var 3?  3 mounted! 4♂︎♂︎, 3♀︎♀︎, ant. ♂︎♂︎ 28, 31, 34;  ♀︎♀︎ 26, 24, 27; legs of ♂︎♂︎ darker than ♀︎♀︎.
Apanteles sp.  6♂︎♂︎, not mtd.

Euphorus cf. pallipes group  2, ant. 22 & 26, probably ♀︎ & ♂︎; latter with head slightly widened behind the eyes.
Eubadizon extensor  ♂︎:  not mtd.
Opius caesus  4♂︎♂︎, 1♀︎;  the ♀︎ only mounted;  ant. 22.
O. cf. communis  1 robust ♂︎, ant. 25.
O. cf. levis Wesm.  2 puny ♂︎♂︎, post-petiole nearly smooth, ant. 22 & 23.  ? this species; legs of one darkened, the pther quiet pale.
Adelura flaviventris √  ♂︎, ant. 30.
Aspilota  3♂︎♂︎ = A. cf. cynipidis? ant. 23
A. cf. vulgaris group  2♂︎♂︎, ant. 21 & 22
Dacnusa pubescens?  1 small ♂︎.
D. areolaris group, venation near longiradialis  9♂︎♂︎, 1♀︎ = D. areolaris? 2♂︎♂︎, 1♀︎ (ant. 20, 21 & 20), with very narrow, elongate radial cell.  P.T.O ->
D. aphanta??  ♂︎, ant. 28. 
D. merella??  1 small ♂︎, ant. 29. 
D. fulvicornis sp. n.  ♀︎, like macrospila, but strong rugose sternauli & very much rejected recurrent; reddish, 29-seg. antennae; &c.