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29.5.44, cont. L. Diheen & Galtymore. ST. cont.

the river I succeeded in capturing three of the ♂︎♂︎, which proved to be : the other insects chiefly, ♂︎ Andrena, Lepidoptera, & Diptera not investigated.

Pushing on in great heat we went up the great moraine surrounding L. Diheen & in crossing stream that flows down from cliffs just W. of moraine, & which joins the outlet of the lake, we saw our first Saxifrage of the day - a S. hypnoides form.

On getting to top of moraine we found the lake about 10 ft. lower than last Sept. & showing red sandy patches in various places around the shore.  On descending to rock above S. shore of lake barometer registered a fall of about 75 ft., so that my guess of nearer 100 ft. them 20-30 ft. (Hart's!) is not so far out.  Skirting SW. edge of lake many clumps of Carex paniculata were seen (recorded by Hart only from Lough Muskry!).  After lunch went down to red sandy patch to look for Pisidea & 


29.5.44, cont.  L. Diheen & Galtymore, ST., cont.

after many failures got one specimen in stiff red mud & then five more in about 1 ft. of water (i.e. nearly 10 ft. below high-water mark).  
[[marginalia]]  All these proved to be Pisidium casertanum of a small thick form.  A.W.S. 6.1.1945. [[/martinalia]]

Also took here many insects (being wafted on shore by gentle breeze) which had pitched on surface of lake, which was full of Gammarus.  These insects included quite a few small (minute) hymenoptera, as well as beetles, one hemipteron, & many Diptera.

On the wet shore a small Dipteron was in abundance - just as one sees on sea-shore! & I took a few specimens.  In lake took several water-beetles, including an Agabus & several Hydroporus & on margin several Helophorus-like species;  also a Corixa & a bug like Salda.  Swept patch of Carex paniculata & round about moraine & swept several patches of Cochlearia flowers & other vegetation up cliffs to over 2,400 ft.  Then worked one way up cliffs to very top & once ore failed to find Hart's station for Saussurea affinis though much Geum rivale (not reported by Hart), also saw Primroses in flower at 2000 ft. & upwards, much Sedum roseum, Alchemilla vulgaris (S.l.)