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Cochlearia affinis, Cystopterus fragilis, Asplenium viride, Salix herbacea (on top cliffs only!), Viola Riviniana (but no sign of V. palustris), Saxifraga cf. hirta & vars (from Lake shore almost to the highest cliffs.  Saw no Oxyria digyna here today!

After ascending to ridge walked over Galtymore 3,018 ft. & spent some time searching round summit, Dawson's Table & on to craggy height W. of summit (all approx. 3,000 ft.), where there was no wind & Diptera were flying in myriads & about 100 Swifts skimming the top of the cliffs & summit as we came round cliffs above L. Cerra.  

Quite a lot of Salix herbacea seen about Dawson's Table (& on two "fragments" on rock 1/4 mile west of same), also much Sax. stellaris , as well as Vaccinium Myrtillus, Rumex acetosella, 


Galium saxatile & several plants of Lycopodium Selago.  On part of Dawson's Table, on ledge under overhanging rock Daisy discovered on Ring Ouzel sitting on her nest & both watched her for some minutes at distance of about 10 ft.  We had previously seen a large Thrush-like bird fly away from near this spot & go down slope & this was no doubt her mate.

On way down from 2,600 ft. ridge crossed cliff on which Arabis tetraea grows & saw manyy plants looking healthy, but as yet no sign of flowers.  Then straight down to shore of L. Curra & home at 10 P.M. after a great day's work in broiling heat.  Noted that the Mossy Saxifrage on Arabis cliff above L. Curra seemed very hairy (silvery) with larger flowers than those of L. Diheen.

In going up the Diheen cliffs I got onto a large area where the sheep don't get & found myself up to my knees in vegetation, Spiraea Ulmaria;  Geum Rivale &c. & in this patch saw many of the large unbanded white tipped Helix nemoralis taken at L. Muskry.