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7.6.44, cont.  L. Borheen, ST., cont.

except a Helophorus (?) at W. end under submerged stone.  Besides the Pisidia took a black Planarian & also a white ditto, attached to stones & a long white "worm" like Gordius, but saw no trace of Gammarus so abundant in the other lakes.  At lunch place ca. 1450 ft. many ☿ ants (Myrmica ruginodis) running about & on W. side of L. Borheen a ♀︎ (queen!) of [[strikethrough]] same species [[/strikethrough]] Myrmica scabrinodis taken, but no ☿☿ seen under nearby stones or elsewhere, so perhaps a hibernated ♀︎ left over from last years marriage-flight.

Next went up slope west of lake & right up to highest cliffs, & down to hwere track comes out on ridge at ca. 2,100 ft., & home across coomb by this track, but working lowest cliffs above it en route & so to Glancushnabinnia.  Reached hotel at 8.45 P.M. having left cliffs at 6 P.M. & had tea at 5 P.M. just below track.  Grass sward from lake to cliffs (& other places in coomb & on slope N.W. of coomb facing Glancushnabinnia) filled with Sax. "hypnoides" & often in flower;


7.6.44, cont.  L. Borheen, ST., cont.

rimlets & cliffs from lake to topmost cliffs with patches of both S. "hypnoides" & S. "hirta" sometimes growing in dry, sometimes in wet places & often within inches of each other, the "hypnoides" tending to grow more in the open & grassy places & the hirta more in the rimlets & on cliffs, but no hard & fast rule obeyed by either.  Vegetation on cliffs almost destroyed by sheep (incredible unless seen!) & no other plants of interest seen on way up to top, but on the higher cliffs just above the S. end of the track across the coomb & 100 yards N. of where it reaches the ridge & at about 2,000 ft. alt. there is much Salex herbacea, Sax. umbrosa, Sax. hirta & a few patches of Vaccinium Vitis-Idaea, as well as the one single plant of Rubus saxatilis reported by us in Sept. '43.

This last plant (Rubus) grows just above the track & beneath a great mass of overhanging rock & well out of reach of the sheep.  A few plants of Cochlearia alpina seen & one