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7.6.44, cont.  L. Borheen, ST., 

Green-veined White Butterfly seen by lake shore 

Other low-land plants seen by the lake or on slopes & cliffs above were Bellis perennis, Achillea millifolia (on lake shore at W. end), Digitalis, Galium saxatile, Stellaria uliginosa, Poa annua, Lycopodium Selago, Montia fontana, Solidago, Ranunculus repens & R. acris, Cardamine pratensis & C. hirsuta, Cerastium (abundant), Crepis paludosa (rare), Jasione montana, Euphrasia sp., Polypodium, Vacc. Myrtillus, Carex stellulata, C. goodenowii, C. binensis, Viola Riviniana (everywhere & in flower), Oxalis, Luzula sylvatica, Veronica serpyllifolia, Alchemilla sp., Trifolium repens (abundant), Ajuga reptans (rare) Lysimachia nemorum,

[[strikethrough]] [Lychnis diurna recorded by Hart not seen here by us, but abundant on cliffs at L. Muskry & not recorded from latter by Hart!] [[/strikethrough]] - This statement may not be true! AWS. 1945.

Ravens, Meadow Pipits, Wheatears, Wrens seen about the lake & coomb & what I am sure was a Ring Ouzel heard singing high up on clifs S. of lake.


7.6.44, cont.  L. Borheen, &c., ST., cont.

Insects swept in rushy-bog & around same, 1/2 mile NE (below) L. Borheen, alt. about 1400-1450 ft.  2 till 3 P.M. = station (1) 7.6.44!
[15 mounted from 1 & these labelled 24.12.1946 or earlier!]

Dolerus aeneus  ♂︎♂︎ frequent on Juncus.
Cryptinids all ♂︎♂︎, several small species, 14, none mtd.
Promethes pulchellus  ♂︎:  not mtd.
Stenomacrus curvicaudatus?  ♀︎, ant. 25.
St. affinis?  ♂︎, ant. 22.
St. flaviceps?  1♀︎, ant. 24;  agrees well except that tergite 2 almost smooth.
St. caudatus?  1♀︎, near last, but vertex not yellow.
St. confinis?  ♂︎, ant. 24.
Thersilochid?  ♀︎ ant. 16, basal nerve curiously thickened next parastigma!
Bracon cf. macrodactylus  ♂︎, ant. 33, or one of the epitriptus group
Apanteles fulvipes group  ♂︎.
Diospilus capito?  9 (♂︎♂︎ & ♀︎♀︎)
Opius caesus  ♂︎.
O. xanthostomus sp. n.  ♀︎, very nice!  ant. 36:  near analis but basal flagellar segments shorter, propodeum rougher, red of abdomen not apical & heavily zoned with fuscous, apical tarsal segments larger, &c.  AWS. 24.12.1946.  See 2nd ♀︎ taken at (3) on 9.6.1946 - p.208 to follow! ->