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18.6.44. cont.  R. Canal, KD., cont.

Taken at 4. 
[38 mounted from 4 & these labelled 20.1.1947!]

Dicaelotus  ♂︎: not mtd.  
Cryptinids 9: 3 mounted = 
Pezomachus  large red wingless ♂︎, ant. 23 = 
Pezomachus instabilis  ♀︎, ant. 21.
Hemiteles?  ♂︎, small wings, ant. 22.

Pimpla maculator  ♀︎.
Glypta ceratites?  ♂︎, with very dark legs;  ant. 37.
Phytodictus sp.?   ♀︎, ant. 36.
Xylonomus sp.?  ♀︎, ant. 21, small & dark. 
Perilissus dissimilis?  ♀︎, red head, ant. 34.
Mesoleius sp.  ♀︎, red abd., ant. 44.
Bassus "tricinctus"  ♀︎, small, with dark front coxae, ant. 18.
Promethes pulchellus & cognatus  1♀︎ of each:  neither mtd.
Stenomacrus curvicaudata  2♀︎♀︎, ant. both 25.
Mesochorus  ♂︎ } none mounted.
Campoplegids  3 } none mounted.

Bracon anthracinnus  6♀︎♀︎:  none mtd.
B. communis m.  ♀︎, ant. 26.
Exothecus splendida m.  ♀︎, ant. 34:  Very nice specimen.
Rogas irregularis  4♂︎♂︎, rather dark:  none mtd.
Microgaster  2♀︎♀︎, one with wings darker than the other = M. crassicornis Ruthe, & M. ? hospes?  ♀︎, almost clear wings.


R. Canal, Co. KD., cont.

Taken at 4, cont.

Apanteles sp.  ♂︎, black } not mounted.
A. fulvipes group  ♂︎ (? lateralis) } not mounted.
Euphorus orchesiae  2:  not mtd.
Centistes lucidator  3♂︎♂︎:  not mtd.
Leiophron  ♀︎, ant. 26.

Opius irregularis  ♀︎, not mtd. & 4 others.
O. bajulus Hal.?  (♀︎?);  ant. 27, scutellum entirely rugose, &c.
O. docilis Hal.  small ♀︎, ant. 30; thorax all black, injured in pupal stage.
O. parvulus Wesm.?  ♀︎, large, ant. 23.
O. pendulus Hal.  ♀︎, ant. 19.

Pentapleura pumilio  ♂︎:  not mtd.
Tanycarpa ancilla  ♂︎, small, ant. 16.
Phaenocarpa livida, a robust ♀︎, ant. 30;  reddish legs.

Aspilota 4 (2♂︎♂︎, 2♀︎♀︎) = 
A. ruficornis  ♀︎, mounted on its back, ant. 22
A. surcularia m.?  ♀︎, ant. 17;  & 2♂︎♂︎ with dimple on mesonotum
A. sp.  ♂︎, ant. 23.
A. sp.  ♂︎, ant. 22.

Dacnusa elegantula  2♂︎♂︎ (ant. 32+ & 32);  1♀︎ (ant. 27);  all with tergite 2 reddish.
D. senilis  ♀︎, ant. 30
D. cf. raissa? ♀︎ = D. rufimarginata miki, small ♀︎, ant. 25.  [See Diary Vol.13, p.222 for type!]
D. pubescens  3♀︎♀︎:  not mtd.
D. areolaris group  7 (♂︎♂︎ & ♀︎♀︎):  none mtd.

Coelinius cf. n. sp. (Sligo)?  1♀︎, very small;  ant. only 28.