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30.7.44, cont.  R. Canal, KD., cont.

Taken at 3, cont.

Aspilota spp. 14 & all mtd. = A. crassifemur ♀︎, ant 24.
A. cf. sylvatica or viatica?  1♂︎, ant. 24. 
A. semicompressa  ♀︎, ant. 16.
A. indivisa  ♀︎, ant. 18. 
A. cf. tenella m.  1♂︎, ant. 21. 
A. cf. cynipidis  ♀︎, long 18-seg. ant.
A. rubripes  ♂︎, ant. 18, short 2nd cubital!  Also a minute ♂︎, ant. 16, seg. 4 as long as 3, ? this sp.
A. cf. fuscicornis  3♂︎♂︎, ant. 17, 18 & 18. 
A. cf. picticornis  1♂︎, ant. 18.
A. cf. tumida  ♂︎, ant. 18, neuration not thick!
A. (Synaldis) cf. parvicornis  ♂︎, ant. 20.

Dacnusa bellina  ♂︎: not mtd.
D. areolaris group, about 30 (♂︎♂︎ & ♀︎♀︎): none mtd.
D. maculipes??  1♂︎, injured: short stigma & radial cell, but ? due to malformation of the wings.
D.  pubescens  ♂︎: not mtd.

Aphidius spp. 7: none mtd.

Praon volucre 6. none mtd.
P. abjectum?  2♂︎♂︎: not [[?]]
P. dorsale?  ♀︎, ant. 21, dark specimen.
Ephidrus plagiator & lacertosus  1♂︎ each: neither mtd.
E. delectus sp. n.  ♀︎, ant. 11, short clavate: Type! A.W.S. 16.9.1947.
Trioxys sp.  ♂︎ not. mtd.
Monoctonus nervosus?  ♂︎ not mtd.


30.7.44, cont.  R. Canal, KD., cont.

Taken at 3, cont.
Proctos  14: only 1 mounted = 
Chalcids  8: 2 mounted! =

Taken at 4. 
[22 mounted from 4 & these labelled 25.9.47 at seq.]

Fenella nigrita?  ♀︎.

Cryptinids  9 (including, 2♀︎♀︎ Pezomachus & only these mounted)
= Pezomachus instabilis?  ♀︎, ant. 20. 
P. sp.  ♀︎, smaller, ant. 18.

Glypta bifoveolata var. longicauda?  ♂︎, ant. 39
Pimpla pomorum  ♀︎.  Swept off beech tree; ant. 21.
Homocidus obscuripes  3: none mtd.
Stenomacrus minutus  ♀︎, ant. 18.
Campoplegid  ♂︎: not mtd.