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10.6.45, cont.  Aherlow, Co. ST.

After tea (8 P.M.) spent half an hour sweeping round ponds behind Castlereagh Lo. & took a few Braconids, but very little out & the place flooded & very wet.  The following 9 insects mounted & these labelled 11.2.1948

Ponds, Ballinacourty Woods, behind Castlereagh Lodge.  8.0 - 8.30 P.M.
Bracon fulvipes  ♂︎♂︎:  not kept.
Dacnusa affinis1 large ♀︎, ant. 24 .
D. esbelta √ ♂︎, ant. 32.
D. trichopyga m.  2♀︎♀︎, dark wings, ant. both 29.
D. cf. senilis group  ♂︎, ant. 33 =

Chaenusa conjungens  ♂︎, ant. 25.
Choribidea femoralis miki  ♀︎, ant. 16.
[[strikethrough]] Asthenarus crassifemur  ♂︎, A.W.S 1966 [[/strikethrough]]
Pezomachus  ♀︎, ant. 20.
Procto.  1 =

Swept dried skin of caterpillar near ponds from which a ♂︎ Rogas testaceus, ant. malformed but +30-seg. emerged on 24.6.1945.  A.W.S.

11th June 1945.

Started with rain, but cleared about 11.30 AM.  Set insects & then went out to ponds behind Castlereagh Lo., but very strong S.W. wind there & only a few insects swept.

In afternoon set off at 3.30 on bikes & walked up to L. Curra from Gorman's.


11.6.45, cont.  L. Curra, ST., cont.

Spent a couple of hours on cliffs S. of lake (at S.W. corner) from cliff rising out of lake on S. shore up to base of main cliff, ca. 2000 ft., & westwards to big gully in S.W. corner of corry:  then had tea & came home about 9 P.M.  

Saw a good deal of Saxifraga hirta (several forms?) from lake shore to main cliffs & brought 4 samples to dry & grow.  Oxyria digyna is abundant on the cliff overhanging the lake, where also much Hieracium cf. anglicum cf. Hart, Asplenium viride, Cystopteris fragilis &c. &c.  In a deep "cave" on this bit of cliff collected a moss with a very find fruit = Mnium.  Saw no other plants of interest on cliffs.

On return journey dropped down to outlet stream about half a mile N. of lake & followed it down to where old turf track crosses it at ca. 1000 ft.

A little above the former ford on left bank of river saw Ivy (a form with minute leaves!), Teucrium, Salix aurita, Mt. Ash, Crataegus (large bush in full flower), Lathyrus montanus, &c.

Below old ford & W. of outlet stream examined several marshy places below springs (alt. ca. 900) where much Hydrocolte, with some Drosera rotundifolia