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12.5.46, cont.  Lugnacullia, Co. WI. cont.

at about 2,200 ft. & visited Palmer's station for Cryptogramma crispa (Parsley Fern) & found three flourishing clumps on the big rock N.E. of the tarn & ca. fifty feet above this there are now two clumps in crack on SE face of this rock, one (the right-hand one) a foot long in narrower part of crack & the other six inches at S end of wider part of crack; & just round corner on SW side of rock is a smaller patch which I do not remember seeing before [& neither does Palmer remember it! AWS. 13.5.46.]

Next crossed to S. side of Prism & saw the Beech Fern, just sprouting, & went up gully S. of this to top of cliffs & the summit plateau, seeing only a few bits of Vaccinium Vitis-Idaea & much Sax. stellaris & some Carex rigida. After visiting the cairn on summit returned to car & had tea.

Trouble with a broken suction pipe to Autovac near Davidstown delayed return, but having mended this with piece of rubber tube off one of my "suckers",


12.5.46 cont.  Lugnacullia, Co. WI. cont.

eventually left Glen of Imaal at 9 PM. & home at 10.20.

Collected a few bits of plants (alpinas & mosses) for Meikle & one beetle for O'Mahony, but did not collect any insects for myself. Saw one Bombus lucorum at lunch place &  heard several more at orabove 2,000 ft., where the Vaccinium myrtillus was not yet early in flower.

Carex rigida in flower at S. side of summit & C. goodenowii, C. panicea, C. pilulifera & C. binervis seen in flower on lower slope. Carex laevigata seen in gorge of Little Slaney at about 1,000 ft.

During day heard our first Cuckoo & Cornerake of the season & on the higher ground (over 2,000 ft.) saw only a raven, 2 wrens (singing), several Wheatears & meadow pipits.

NB. The seedling Euphorbia hiberna half-under hedge in front garden & now at least ten years old flowered for first time during this month. Flowering probably delayed by very dry situation!

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