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4.6.46, cont.  Caher Point, Cloghane, SK.

growing in a dry stone wall on roadside S. of Ballygwin (?) --neither plant seen in this area before.

On beach S. of Caher Point found a big colony of Phytia myosotis under loose stones resting in gully on rocks.  Took the following Hymenoptera:-

Lasius flavus ☿, dark. 
Campoplegid ick ♀︎, ant. 23 = 
& 1 Procto = Exallonyx niger ♀︎.

5th June 1946.

Gale & fearful rain all night & gale continued till 8 P.M. when a fearful squall & shower, then change of wind to W. & comparative calm.  Did not go out till after lunch, except to get a few marsh orchids to send Desmond Meikle.

At 2.45 started for L. Adoon, but when within half a mile of the lake a prolonged & heavy shower held us up & re-wet everything, so that we turned up the outlet stream to Lough Camclaun, which lake was very flooded - naturally, but we walked along its western end & collected some water weeds, including a Potamogeton, a Myriophyllum, a Ranunculus, what looks like a very tenuous Callitriche, Isoetes


5.6.46, cont.

with very long leaves, & a little plant which [[strikethrough]] was [[/strikethrough]] proved to be Subularia, with one flower stem [[image]] - all cast on shore by storm, together with Reeds & stems of Equisetum limosum [the last from bog at E. end of lake which is filled with this horsetail!]

On way back to road Daisy spotted a fine specimen of the Kerry Slug (Geomalacus maculosus) which I had just passed over & on nearest lichen covered rock in bog I spotted another, thus extending the known range of this slug from Caragh Lake into the Dingle promontory.  Though searched for in Sept. 1910, June 1912 & Sept. 1914 I never could find it on the promontory before [& we only saw it at this spot during the present trip.]

On road from Cloghane found a ♀︎ Bombus derhamellus on the road & put it into the sheltered ditch.

Beetle:  Carabus nemoralis? taken near L. Camclaun.