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19th June '46.

A fine day, with some showers & drizzle; strong S.W. wind, cool.
Spent day packing & writing letters & notes. Young Cockroach caught in hotel & also a moth which = Agrotis puta Hubner, ♂︎ (fide M.S.D. Westropp!): 4th fresh locality.

20th June 1946.
Left Cloghane at 7.45 in hotel car & caught 9 A.M. train from Tralee, arrived Kingsbridge, Dublin, at 6.20 & home 20 minutes later. A day of heavy showers & garden quite wet on arrival home. Took one Staph. beetle in train = 


21st June 1946.
Much warmer & fine all day, with much very hot sun - the first really summer day of the month. Spent day planting Saxifrages, &c. & feeding snails.

22nd June 1946.

An intensely hot, sultry, day with fierce sun during most of the time.  
Back in museum! Left there at 5 P.M.
Frank Winder called in evening.


23rd June 1946.

Another very hot day, with less sun & falling glass;  wind rising in afternoon & strong SW. in evening, when much cooler. Showers, very local, in late afternoon, but we got none.

At 2 P.M. left in car & drove to Landenstown (where collected for about three hours), on Grand Canal, W. of Sallin, Co. Kildare.  Collected in two places:-

1 = Plantation, with swampy drain & W. edge of hay & oat field S. of road, 1/4 E. of loch at Landenstown Ho.
2 = Edge of canal for 1/8 mile W. of station 1 & towards lock:  Iris, reeds, Menyanthes, sedge, grasses, mint &c. along edge of canal.

Insects taken at 1.
[16 mounted from 1 & these labelled 26.2.1949!]

Crabro chrysostomus  ♂︎.

Anteon  ♂︎ }
Tenthredo atra  ♀︎. }
T. mesomelas  ♀︎ seen. }
Empria  ♀︎ }
Selandria  ♂︎ }
} None mtd.