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21st Aug. 1946. 

A dull, damp, afternoon, with Southerly breeze, much warmer than of late, after a fine morning & previous day & night.  Almost raining, in fact several skiffs & misty rain on mountains after 4 P.M.

In afternoon drove to Grand Canal at Landenstown, Co. KD., arriving at 3 P.M. & collected in four areas & left for home at 7.5 P.M.:  home 7.50.  Collection as follows by sweeping:-

1 = N. & W. edges of oats in field S. of plantation 1/4 mile E. of Landenstown Ho.

2 = Marsh & ditches &c. at E end of grazing fields S. of Landenstown Ho. & W. of stations 1 & 3.

3 = W. & N. edges of cut hayfield, & drains along S. edge of plantation, between latter & No. 1.

4 = S. margin of Grand Canal;  reeds, [[?this]], Bogbean, Typha Glyceria, Mint, &c. &c. between Landenstown lock & plantation E. of same.


21.8.46, cont.  Landenstown, Co. KD., cont.

Taken at 1.
[39 mounted from 1 & these labelled 19.10.49!]

Crabro tibialis  1
Bombus distinguendus  1 fresh ♀︎ seen.
Ichneumon sp.  ♂︎: not mtd.
I. sp.  ♀︎: not mtd.
Cryptinids 8: 2 mounted = Hemiteles  ♀︎, ant. 22.
Hemiteles, small, black, +/- matt ♂︎, ant. 19 = 
Acrodactyla degener  ♀︎, ant. 22.
Lissonota sulphurifera group  1♂︎, black coxae: not mtd.
Cteniscids  2♂︎♂︎, ant. both 28. = 
Tryphon ceratophorus  1♂︎, ant. 34
Promethes cognatus &  1 each; neither mtd.
Homocidus signatus  ♀︎ - not mtd., pallipes 1 - not mtd., biguttatus ♂︎, black coxae, ant. broken.
Mesochorus sp.  ♀︎, small, longish terebra; ant. 25.
M. spp.  ♂︎, larger, & ♂︎ smaller:  neither mtd.
Campoplegids  2: not mtd.
Thersilochid  ♀︎, ant. 17, very black sp. = 
Leptopygus harpurus  ♂︎.
Bracon communis n.?  ♂︎, large, ant. 31, hind tibiae mainly testaceous!
B. obscurator?  ♂︎, small sp., ant. 22.
Colastes braconius  ♀︎, not mtd.