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28th Aug. 1946.  Landenstown, Co. KD. (afternoon). 

After a beautiful calm, night, with heavy dew, & a lovely morning, an East wind got up about 9.30 AM & a jam formed over Dublin with heavy rain between 11 AM & 1 P.M., though blue sky seen to N. & W. all the time. Nevertheless took afternoon off & drove in car to Landenstown arriving there at 3.15 & found no rain had fallen SW. of Rathcoole & very hot sun & gentle S. breeze at Landenstown on arrival; but this soon gave way to strong cold SE. wind & rain clouds, but no rain fell up till the time we left at 6.50 P.M. 

Swept in four areas as follows:-

1 = Swampy drains, &c., in field SW. of plantation 1/4 mile E. of Landenstown House & back in Grand Canal (= station 2 of 21st Aug. 1946).

2 = Edges of oat, hay & wheat fields S. of plantation & E. of station 1.

3 = Plantation & ditches S & W of same.

4 = S. bank of canal between plantation & lock at Landenstown Ho. & a few swept S. of road at same place


28.8.46, cont. Landenstown, KD., cont.
Taken at 1. [65 mtd from 1 & these labelled 2.11.49.]

Cryptinid: about 20: 5 mtd. = Microcryptus nigrocinctus ♀︎.

Hemiteles cf gracilis: 1 ♀︎, ant. 19
Hemiteles bicolorinus group ♂︎ ant. 22.
Hemiteles sp. ♂︎ ant. 22.
Pezomachus sp. small winged ♂︎. ant. 20.
Lissonota errabunda ? ♀︎; ant. 33 ; terebra seem rather short!
Cteniscus aurifluus  several large, not mtd.
Exyston cinctutus?  1♂︎(?), ant. 28.
Promethes sulcator & cognatus several:  1♂︎ cognatus, ant. 24 mtd.
Zootrephus suspiciosus  ♂︎, 2♀︎♀︎, one ♀︎ all red abd.  Not mtd.
Mesoleius cf. opticus var.?, scutellum black, &c.  ♂︎, ant. 33.
Perilissus sp.  1 not mtd.
Eclytus fontinalis  1 not mtd.
Campoplegids 3: none mtd.
Leptopygus harpurus?  ♂︎: not mtd.
Bracon anthracinus  ♀︎: not mtd.
Apanteles falcatus  ♀︎: not mtd.
Microgaster globatus?  ♂︎: not mtd.
Blacus ruficornis:  not mtd.
B. sp.  ♀︎ with 23-seg. ant. {missing! AWS. 4.11.49!!
B. paganus  ♀︎, fine ♀︎, ant. 17.