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22.9.46, cont.  Enniskerry, Co. WI., cont.

Aspilota spp. &c. 8 = Orthostigma sp. ♀︎, ant.20; v. small.
A. fuscescens?  1♂︎, ant. 20;  larger ♀︎, ant.19; long narrow 2nd cubital areolet!
A. clara  1 very red & typical ♂︎, ant. 21.
A. picticornis? m.  2♂︎♂︎, ant. 16 & 17;  1♀︎, ant.17.
A. (Synaldis) sp.  ♂︎, ant.22.
Dacnusa areolaris, maculipes, longiradialis, & pubescens examined but not mounted; & seven other Dacnusae = 
D. adducta, 1 very fine ♀︎, ant. 30.
D. abdita  ♀︎, ant. 32.
D. melanocera  1 mutilated & abnormal ♂︎, 2♀︎♀︎ (ant. 24 & 25).
D. sp. ovalis group, small ♀︎, ant. 24 =
D. cf. bres Nixon, 1 small ♂︎, ant. 31, rather dark legs.
Praon abjectum  ♀︎
Trioxys testaceus mike  ♀︎ Paratype!  See EMM May 1948
Aphidius crepidis  ♀︎, ant. 13.
Proctos, 16: 5 mtd. =
Chalcids 8: not mtd.
Cynipid 1: not mtd
Weevil: not mtd.  Given to E.O'M. 
Hemiteles  ♀︎, ant. 22 taken in house, 14 Clareville Rd., Harold's Cross, Dublin.


26th Sept. 1946. 

A poor day after two fine days; with rain blowing in S.E. gale, sometimes drizzle & almost rain, sometimes so slight as not to wet anything.

Left home at 11.30 in car, with Desmond Meikle on board, & drove to Skerries Bog, Co. Kildare.

Collected by sweeping birch & willows, &c. from 1.30 till 4 P.M., after lunch on arrival at 1 P.M.  Collected in almost exactly same places as on 19th;  i.e. birch, &c. along track parallel to & about 300 yards N. of railway from Monasterevan to Athy.  Many insects out owing to high temperature & humidity, but what would have been a marvellous collecting day spoiled, or almost so, by gale.  Very few Braconids taken (- probably owing to wind) & the number of spider-parasites (Polysphincta spp.) rather remarkable.

[9 mounted labelled on 26.1.1947 as G.J. Kerrich wanted to borrow Cteniscids.]
[60 more mtd. & these labelled on 20.12.49 et seq.]

Skerries Bog, Co. KD. (as on 19.9.46)

Bombus agrorum  1☿ (or ♂︎?) seen:  the only Bumble.
Colletes succinctus  ♀︎ swept, in first sweep:  no doubt had been out in sun earlier, as sunny in Dublin till 11 A.M.
Ick. vol.1  2 only = Platylabus iridipennis?  ♀︎, ant. 33.  Labelled 26.1.47.
& Gen. et sp.? cf. Eparches Forst.?  small ♀︎, with very short transverse face & clypeus, & yellow mark beside base of 21-seg. antennae = Herpestomus?


Transcription Notes: