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23rd March 1947.  

A nice morning, after a very nice day on 22nd with glorious hot sun, but much rain in afternoon & evening, before glass started a big rise from a prolonged low level.  Cut grass front & back on evening of 22nd & finished giving snails their first feed on 23rd.  Chionodoxa in front garden now with many flowers & Miss Oldman's Scilla ready to flower.  Snowdon Sax. oppositifolia in back garden with a few flowers open this day, some on large-flowered form by rubbish heap & some on small-flowered on W. side of garden near Osmunda.  Salix cinerea & Flowering Currant buds rapidly growing & both will soon be in flower if fine weather continues.

26th March 1947. 

In afternoon took 54 bus to Crumlin Cross & walked via Greenhills & Tymon Castle, to Balrothery & across R. Dodder to Fir House & home by bus.  Daisy, I and Marcus Graham.  Very hot sun at times, but heard no migrants or bumble bee.  Tried sweeping along lane & in marshy field at Tymon Castle, but only hymenoptera swept were two Cynipids, with some Diptera Beetles & Spiders.  Celandine well out but except Coltsfoot, Daisies & Dandelions, no other flower seen.


27th March 1947. 

Sax. apiculata in west border of front garden almost in full flower & one flower open on old plant near gate.  Leaf spikes of Carex stricta against motor house wall in back garden now showing.  Planted out various Mossy Saxifrages given me last autumn by Meikle & Faris & kept in box in motor house over winter.  A very fine day, turning to drizzle in afternoon & heavy rain at night.

29th March - 1st April 1947. 

After a long slow fall in glass weather again turned cold on 29th & steady drizzling rain commenced in early morning, which with slight intervals continued throughout that day & most of the following days & nights till late on the 1st April, while the glass very slowly & steadily rose throughout the period.  This cold spell checked all plants in garden. 

2nd April 1947. 

A cold dry day, with very cold E. breeze, dull in forenoon, gradually brightening & all sunny after 5 P.M.  Went by 3.5 bus to Bohernabreena, Marcus Graham coming with us, & walked up to Ballinascorney Gap & back to 5 P.M. bus & so home.  Graham & I went up to overflow channels on N. face of Slievenabawnoge, where snow still lay in large patches, white fresh snow (probably equivalent to the rain in Dublin on 1st April) covered