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4.5.47, cont.  Kelly's Glen, &c. Co. DU.

& probably B. agrorum;  also examined a ♂︎ Andrena nigroaenea at foot of Kilmashogue lane;  & another smaller ♂︎ Andrena higher up which had dentate mandibles & was certainly either apicata or praecox, I think the latter from its small size, but without killing it I could not make sure.  Willows by stream very backward & not nearly in flower.  Cuckoo heard several times, Sand Martin seen near Tibradden sand-pit, Swallows in various places, Willow Warblers everywhere, but no Chiffchaff heard during the afternoon.  Both Viola Riviniana & Reichenbachiana seen in flower, the latter only near Whitechurch.  Vespa sylvestris ♀︎ seen in Kilmashogue lane & another ♀︎ (probably V. vulgaris) seen near Tibraddan.

6th May 1947.

A fine sunny day, after heavy rain at night & cold sleaty shower between 6 & 8 P.M. previous evening, but wind (S-SE) very strong - too strong for insects.  In afternoon rode with M.W.R. Graham to Gollierstown, on Grand Canal, Co. Dublin, arriving there about 3.30 & leaving at 5.0 P.M.  Except in shelter of old quarry holes S. of canal & W. of bridge, no hymenoptera taken, but by sweeping in the shelter our combined efforts produced the following.


6.5.47, cont.  Gollierstown, Co. DU., cont.

Insects swept in shelter of old quarry hole S. of canal.

Hemiteles or Phygadeuon  ♂︎, small species.
Opius irregularis  1♂︎, taken by Graham.
Dacnusa maculipes Th.  2♂︎♂︎.
D. laevipectus v. tibialis miki:  about a dozen ♂︎♂︎ & several ♀︎♀︎.  One ♂︎ has curious long radial cell, with long 1st abscissa nearly at right angles to stigma, giving the radial cell a box-like appearance & quite different from that of the other specimens.
D. longiradialis  2♂︎♂︎ - with much paler legs than any of last.
D. areolaris??  Possibly several ♂︎.
Aphidius sp.  1♂︎, dark legs.
Cynipid  1 taken by each of us;  very small species.

Two Small White Butterflies seen on road & one Peacock seen at Gollierstown by Graham.

Many Swallows & Willow Warblers, several House Martins seen near Milltown on return journey.

A few Bombus seen probably lucorum, terrestris & muscorum.  Also Andrena nigroaenea ♂︎ at canal.