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6th May 1947, cont.
In back garden Ranunculus auricomus & Orchis mascula with flowers open - the latter the plant obtained at Torr Head (W. of), Co. Antrim, in May 1913, when late R.J. Welch & I were making the arrangements for the B.N.F.C. 50th Anniversary Long Excursion.

8th May 1947.
Swifts over Mt. Argus at 9 AM. today.  The new swans below Harold's Cross Bridge on canal deserted their nest the previous day (7th) after the ♀︎ sitting close for about a week.
Small White Butterfly seen in garden at 9 AM.

10th May 1947.
After a very wet day on 9th, a fine day with much sun in afternoon & evening.  On way home from Museum at 5 P.M. saw a ♀︎ Large White Butterfly in Earlsfort Terrace.

11th May 1947.
Many Swifts over Clareville Rd. all morning & midday:  none seen since those on 8th & none seen around Museum so far.  Not feeling well & so did not go out anywhere this day - Sunday.

12th May 1947.
Allantus cinctus ♂︎ taken in back garden, 14 Clareville Rd., DU.

13th May 1947.
Euphorbia hiberna (old plant) & Dryas with first flowers open in front garden;  many other plants in both front & back garden now in flower, including many of the hirta group of Mossy Saxifrages.

18th May 1947.
Cryptus sp. ♂︎, ant. 34 taken on North Bull, Co. DU., by E. O'Mahony.


21st May 1947.

A most beautiful day with E. wind in Dublin but soft S.W. wind in the hills above Bohernabreena.  The first day in the country for several weeks, as I had been off-colour.

Took 3.5 bus to Terenure to Bohernabreena (Daisy, Marcus Graham & I) & walked up Slieve-na-bawnoge to the overflow channels in col S. of this hill where had a cup of tea;  then round hill to Ballynascorney Cap & so back to 6.25 bus & so home.  Sunny at first & then dull, but again all sunny from 5 P.M. onward.

On walk up hill saw or captured Bombus derhamellus ♀︎, B. lucorum ♀︎, Andrena angustior 1♂︎ on Dandelion (given to Graham!), A. jacobi ♂︎, Halictus rubicundus ♀︎;  a small ♀︎ Nematine sawfly = (given to Graham!), Dolerus picipes ♂︎ & in overflow channel Dolerus aeneus ♂︎ & several others seen when sun came out were probably this species.  On return journey saw a ☿ var. which was either V. rufa or austriaca (coloured like the latter!) & between the Fort Bridge & bus terminus a very fresh Wood White Butterfly.  Whitethroat singing in several places, as well as Cuckoo, Willow Warblers, Chiffchaffs, &c.

Meloè proscarabaeus ♀︎ seen crossing road near bus terminus at 3.30 P.M. in hot sun.