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9th June 1947.  

A fine day with rising glass & strong N.W. wind:  cold to very cold in forenoon & cloudy over Ben Lawers, but afternoon gloriously sunny & not so windy.  With Mr. Green & Mr. & Mrs. Holder (of Southport) went in 9.35 bus as far as the Carrie Burn & then walked up beside it into the S.W. corrie of Ben Lawers & had lunch at about 3250 ft. in corrie.

After lunch Mr. Green & we spent some hours in upper part of corrie & south of summit where still much snow & many signs of recent snow patches.  Alt. 3000 to 3,800 ft.

Saw here many plants including Adoxa, Draba incana, D. rupestris, Cochlearia micacea, Caltha palustris, Thalictrum alpinum, Viola palustris, V. cf. lutea (not in flower!), Silene acaulis, Sagina sp., Cherleria sedoides, Cerastium alpinum, Cerastium vulgatum v. alpina?, Oxalis, Alchemilla "vulgaris", A. alpina, Potentilla tormentilla or Krantzii?;  Epilobium alpinum, Sedum rosea, Saxifraga hypnoides, Sax. stellaris, Sax. nivalis (frequent), Sax. aizoides, Sax. opp.


9.6.47, cont.  Ben Lawers, cont.

Sax. [[strikethrough]] rivularis [[/strikethrough]] cernua?  The uppermost of these certainly referable to Sax. cernua:  see p.189! A.W.S.  Many "seedlings" near top of coomb on or amongst the great crags SW. of the summit & a few hundred feet below same.  

Sax. cernua see p.189.
Crag where Sax. cernua also seen.
Looking up S.W. corrie & north east! 

Chrysosplenium oppositifolia, Galium saxatile, Gnaphalium supinum, a plant with green leaves & whitish mid rib at base, smooth above, downy beneath which might be Saussurea alpina, affected by recent snow:  one patch with Sax. cernua on ledge of rock, Taraxacum, Hieracium sp., Erigeron alpinus? rosettes of leaves only, Vaccinium Myr., V. Vitis-Idaea, Pinguicula vulgaris, Myosotis alpestris, Veronica serpyllifolia?, Rumex acetosa, Oxyria degyna, Polygonum viviparum, Salix herbacea & S. reticulata, Armeria vulgaris var., Luzula sylvatica,