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11.6.47, cont.  Yellow Corrie, &c. cont.

of Vaccinium myrtillis, V. Vitis-Idaea & Empetrum nigrum was crossed & lunch taken. 

After lunch I went straight down to col & into the Yellow Corrie (alt. of col. ca. 2700 ft.) while Daisy & the others went N. to a higher point on the ridge E. of col:  here Daisy discovered a fine patch of Azalea procumbens in full flower.  Much snow still in the Yellow Corrie & the whole must have been nearly filled with snow a short time before.  Hence it was hopeless to look for Carex microglochin, &c.  Nevertheless, spent an hour or more at the greenest looking boggy spots & collected specimens of various small sedgy looking plants to grow, saw some 'last years' fruits of Juncus triglumis, much Carex saxatilis just coming into flower & lots of the commoner Lawers plants.  Daisy & I climed up to cliff & on to shoulder of Meall Garbh (alt. ca. 3,500 ft.) & here had tea.  At this height a scanty vegetation occurred with some bare ground, stones & rocks, & some plants of Salix herbacea & Sax. oppositifolia in places.


11.6.47 cont.  Yellow Corrie & Meall Garbh, Mid Perth, cont.

Many sawflies - all Amauronematus mcluckiei Benson, fide R.B. Benson! 1950. - seen at this spot - chiefly picked out of flower of Sax. opp. with fingers or off Salix herbacea or surrounding vegetation.  After tea went over shoulder & dropped down into bed of the N. corrie of Ben Lawers, past an isolated scarp at N.E. entrance to corrie & so home via the Lawers Burn.  On the scarp just mentioned saw a very large clump of stunted Juniperus communis the first we had seen in the district.

Plants seen during the day included the above-mentioned & many others, but the latter not listed at the time & so not remembered!  AWS.

During lunch many Aphodius lapponum flew on to our clothes & some other Coleoptera taken here & at tea time.  Three Dolerus aeneus (2♂︎♂︎, 1♀︎) taken over 3,000 ft. & several Bombus lucorum seen during day.  All these Coleoptera given to E. O'Mahony! A.W.S.