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27.6.47. cont.  Clova to Caenlochan & back.

During day saw much Juncus trifidus on the higher ground, especially on that between the Canness Burn & Caenlochan & a the rocky tors on moor above & S.W. of the Corrie Fee, where it was associated with Carex rigida & Luzula spicata - the last also seen frequently during the day.

Bombus lapponicus ☿☿ seen here & there in early part of the day on moors at Vaccinium flowers & a ♀︎ Andrena lapponica taken with fingers while sunning herself on a stone on Jock's Road at ca. 2000 ft.  Two Fritillary Butterflies seen near head of Jock's Road, one size of male aglaia & the other size of euphrosyne.

Coleoptera.  Calathus melanocephalus (typical), Loricera pilicornis


28th June 1947.

A very warm day with little wind in forenoon, much sun, very "close", & many insects out;  fresher in afternoon with S.W. breeze, after an hour's thunder heard in distance.

Did not go out till 11 A.M., but then went up outlet stream from Loch Brandy (ca. 1900 ft.) & on way collected some Aculeates & Sawflies by school, just behind the hotel, Clova;  & swept for some minutes about birches on slope east of hotel & at intervals to about 1500 ft. but little taken over 1000 ft., except a small beetle which occurred in hundreds in damp ground at ca. 1500 ft.

Saw a fair number of ☿☿ of Bombus lapponicus on Vaccinium (on higher ground) & on Lotus on cliffs N. of Loch Brandy;  also 1♀︎ of sp.? which appeared mainly black with a very red tail & was certainly not lapidarius but possibly derhamellus or pratorus, though I am not sure of the species;  also saw several ♀︎♀︎ of Bombus lucorum & several wasps (at outlet of L. Brandy).

On summit of The Snub, N.W. of Loch Brandy the small black moth Coracina was frequent:  but difficult to catch as a high wind blew across the ridge at the time (5.30 P.M.).

After lunch at 1 P.M. by outlet of L. Brandy found a large thin typical ovata form of Limnaea pereger on sontes