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3.9.47, cont.  Brittas Ponds, DU., cont.

Taken at 3, cont.

Coelinius cf. diversipes m.  8♂︎♂︎ (ant. 38 (4), 39 (2), 40 (1) & 1 broken), & 1♀︎ (ant. 36, very long & slender for a ♀︎!!);  wings distinctly fuscous!
Praon volucre & abjectum  1 of each: not mtd.
Aphidius spp.  20: none mtd.
Proctos  7: 1 only mounted = 
Cynipids  2: not mtd.

10th Sept. 1947.

A fine but very blustery day, warm, after a day of gale on 9th & some showers on 7th & 8th.

In afternoon rode to upper reservoir in Glenasmole against fierce SW wind - almost a gale about Bohernabreena & down upper lake in Glenasmole - but found perfect shelter at N.W. corner of upper reservoir, just S. of the boat "dock" & here swept dry edge of lake for an hour - 4.30 till 5.30 P.M.

Small hymenoptera - mainly Dacnusids & Aphidiids - very common at winter high-water-mark, now overgrown by Eleocharis, Littorella, &c. &c., but few below this or in Salices or grass above this level.


10.9.47, cont.  Glenasmole, Co. DU., cont.

Swept along edge of upper reservoir just S. of boat harbour near N.W. corner of lake, 4.30 till 5.30 P.M.
[N.B.  The first occasion I have collected in Glenasmole this year!]

Promethes pulchellus  ♀︎: not mtd.
Perilissus subcinctus?  ♂︎, ant. 29.
Diospilus oleraceus  8♂︎♂︎: none mtd.
Opius caesus  3♀︎♀︎, & O. irregularis  1♀︎: none mtd.
O. stenops m.  1♂︎, ant. 24.
Pentapleura pumilio  5: not mtd.
P. angustula  1♀︎: not mtd.
Aspilota sp. n.?  ♀︎; very short ant. 17;  rugose prop.;  red tergite 1, cf. 2♀︎♀︎ taken at Athdown W. 7 & 8.'44.
A. (Synaldis) concolor  ♀︎;  ant. 16;  head widened behind eyes
Dacnusa areolaris about a dozen (mostly ♀︎♀︎) probably this sp:  none mtd.
D. pubescens  1♂︎ & D. longiradialis  1♀︎: not mtd.
D. near ovalis  ♀︎, ant. 30, extremely pale at base!
D. (G.) esbelta  3♂︎♂︎ (ant. 29, 31 & 33), 1♀︎ (ant. 29).
D. (G.) affinis  ♂︎, ant. 24.
Chaenusa conjungens  23 (only 1 or 2♂︎♂︎): none mtd.
Aphidius spp.  6: not mtd.
Proctos  9 } none mtd.
Chalcids  2 } none mtd.

E. O'Mahony took a ♀︎ Paniscus at light in house Clontarf, Dublin.

11th Sept. 1947.  
A ♀︎ Alloea contracta taken on bathroom basin at 14 Clareville Rd., Harold's Cross, DU.