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30th Aug. 1948 (Monday).

A warm day with strong SE wind on coast & some drizzle in the morning, later dull & then sunny in evening.  Went to Sutton by 11.30 AM. train with J.P. Brunker & Mr. Green & walked round the cliff path to The Baily & on to Howth by the recently made path.  Too windy to collect insects anywhere or too hurried, but picked up a few here & there with fingers off Wild Carrot & one on path near Sutton.  Saw the usual plants, Statice binervosa, Crithmum maritimum, Inula crithmoides, Trigonella (in flower on the road above the Baily Lighthouse), Geranium sanguineum, &c.

The South cliffs & slopes now largely altered & in some cases destroyed by bungalows, foreign plants & refuse - Prof. J. Bayley Butler's contribution being the most conspicuous & thorough.

Took the following 5 Hymenoptera - & these labelled 10.2.53.  

Glyphichnemis sp. ♂︎, ant. 24.
Pimpla spuria ♀︎, ant. 32.
Exetastes guttatorius 2♀︎♀︎, ant. 48 & 50.
Sawfly.  Tenthredo perkinsi ♀︎.


1st Sept. 1948.

A very nice day after rain & semi-gale on 31st.  Drove to Powerscourt waterfall with Mr. Green, Miss Janie Thomson & Mrs. King (Dublin) all being interested in mosses.  Arrived 12.30 noon & I collected by sweeping up slope W. of the fall, amongst bracken, grass & rushes, under the few remaining oaks - all the birches formerly here now cut & of course no regeneration of the trees possible owing to the deer.  Hence the whole deerpark now very bare compared to what I remember it in the early 1920s.  After lunch went up to cliffs 1/4 mile E. of the fall & swept a little at 600 to 1000 ft. but draughty here & little to sweep.

1 = slopes just W. of waterfall, Powerscourt Deerpark 12.30-1.15 PM.
2 = slopes 1/4 mile E. of waterfall, 600-1000 ft. 2-4 PM.

Powerscourt Deerpark, Co. WI.

Insects taken at 1.
[41 mounted from 1 & these labelled 12.2.'53.]

Nomada rufipes 2♀︎♀︎ on Senecio jacobaea flowers.
Mellinus arvensis ♂︎♂︎ & ♀︎♀︎ on sward below fall & cliff.
Cratichneumon annulatus? ♀︎♀︎ frequent about oaks.
Gen. et sp. Vol.1 ♀︎ = Oiorhinus pallipalpis, ant. 24.
Pezomachus sp. ♀︎, ant. 20.