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19th Sept. 1948. 

After a fine day & promise of fine weekend, a dull morning.  Started out in car, George, Daisy & I, at 10.30 A.M. & ran straight into wet mist & drizzle before reaching Naas road & very wet, with wet roads, by the time we reached Rathcoole;  wind strong SW-W.  Took the Kilteel-Rathmore road & stopped for half an hour to collect under shelter of trees on roadside at Johnstown House, Co. DU.  Then drove on to Glending, 2 miles NW. of Blessington where arrived at 12 noon.  Left car at S. end of the "glen" & walked up lane which leads SW. over hill to Newtown;  collected blackberries & crab apples in lane & returned to car for lunch at 1 P.M. 

During this period just a light wet mist or faint drizzle, but as soon as lunch over & I tried collecting in wood on Co. WI. side of the KD-WI boundary heavy wet drizzle came from S. & wet everything.  Nevertheless swept on & under several beech trees for half an hour & then drove home via Blessington & Brittas.  Roads flooded at Blessington but from Brittas to Dublin drier & drier & quite dry from Tallaght, though windscreen of car kept 


19.9.48, cont.

wet by mist, but no real rain had fallen in Dublin & none fell during afternoon.

Red spiders very active, much to our surprise, & many bites by 4 P.M.!!!

Collected in two areas as follows:-
1 = roadside at Johnston House, about 2 miles S. of Rathcoole on Kilteel-Rathmere road.  11-11.30 AM.
2 = under beech & amongst young ash in wood on east side of Glending, at S. end of glen, Co. WI.  1.15 to 1.45 P.M.

Johnstown, S. of Rathcoole Co DU.
[32 mtd. & these labelled 26.2.1953.]

Insects taken at 1.

Oiorhinus pallipalpis  1♂︎, 1♀︎, ant. 26 & 23. 
Cryptinids 18, including Pezomachus, Leptocryptus & Stilpnus: 4 mtd. = 
Pezomachus sp. ♂︎ wingless ant. 21
P. sp.  ♂︎, winged, ant. 23. 
Hemiteles sp.  ♂︎, ant. 23. 
H. sp. ♀︎, ant. 22. 
Pimple turionellae group  ♂︎, ant. 51, tricoloured hind tibiae = 
P. quadridentata  ♂︎, ant. 25. 
Orthocentrus protuberans  ♀︎; ant. 31. 
Stenomacrus ventralis  1♂︎, 1♀︎, not mtd. 
Polyblastus sp. ♂︎ & ♀︎, ant. 27 (♂︎) & 28 (♀︎), black femora, red abd.; no areolet.