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17-11-48, cont.

was due to the fact that the schools in Dublin were closed & all the children (♂︎ & ♀︎) turned out to march through the heart of the city in order to make a nuisance of themselves, stop the traffic & so force the community to remember the heroes of the rebellion of 1798, of which occasion I am amused to note that most educated papists appear thoroughly ashamed & do not wish to be reminded of.

22nd Nov. 1948. 

After a wet night & morning, a fine sunny afternoon.  Daisy, George, Marcus Graham, & I took 54 bus to Crumlin Cross Road & walked via Greenhills, Ballymount lane to Tallaght & home by 77 & 83 buses: 2.30 till 5.0 P.M. Passed small house & 2-acre plot where George's friend Malcolm Dalgetty proposes to start growing tomatoes, &c., after his marriage (with Ina Mason!) on 10th Dec. next.

Saw a wasp at ivy in hedge near Whitehall House (where I once saw wasps in January) though sun gone behind clouds & hill & nearly 4 P.M. & a frosty night coming on.


25th Nov. 1948. 

Took 10.5 AM. bus from Terenure to Old Bawn & walked up E. side of Glenasmole (Glassamucky!) past the school & down on to the upper dam of the waterworks, then along E. side of upper reservoir & down W. side of same & so back to bus at Bohernabreena at 1.5 PM.  A fine day but while quite calm all day in Dublin a veritable gale swept down Glenasmole.

In garden the first flowers of the earliest plant of Erica mediterranea open in back garden & several flowers on one of the Galtee Mossy Saxifrages [S. hirta group]

28th Nov. 1948. 

In afternoon walked from Rathfarnham bus to Fir House via Butterfield Lane, Cosgrove's & "Prospect."  While waiting for bus at Firhouse saw ♀︎ Vespa (no doubt vulgaris!) come out of cavity in wall & fly off - evidently searching for a place to hibernate.  This at 3.45 P M.

Petasites fragrans in good flower on roadside bank facing south at Cosgraves corner:  must have been out for at least a couple of weeks I would think!