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1st January 1949. During the night of 31st. Dec. 1st. Jan. the glass fell heavily & being already very low the pen of our barograph went below the paper chart & remained so for at least some hours. At noon on 1st. the mercury barometer registered 28.95 & the barograph approximately 28.8, though we have had no wind or rain for at least 10 hours. I have just returned from a cycle ride to Willington Ho., via Kimmage, returning via Terenure to look for wasps on ivy, as there had been considerable sun & blue sky between 10 & 11 AM. though as I went to get out the bicycle they disappeared, of course, & I saw no wasps. Except for one short blow about 3 AM. the night was absolutely calm, with clear sky at dawn, though BBC. gave out gale warnings for all sea areas including the Irish Sea!

Barometer turned about midday & then rose steadily for 24 hours. Bad squalls with rain & sleat occurred in afternoon, but no real gale or really bad conditions followed


2nd January 1949. A fine hardy day, with sun nearly all the time from 11 AM till sunset. Wind N. at first but later light & westerly, cold but well above freezing point, roads dry & much less snow on hills than previous day.

In afternoon walked from home via. Kimmage Grove to Willington House & thence to bus at Rathfarnham. No sign of wasps at ivy near Willington House but huge flock of finches seen in field N. of there & also seen near same place on previous day - mainly Greenfinches & Chaffinches, but other species possibly present amongst the several thousands forming the flock.

Snow drops out at old mill W. of Templeogue Bridge & in bud in front garden of house in Butterfield Lane;  while our earliest Snowdrop under drawing room window ready to open if it got a chance.

3rd January 1949. A beautiful sunny day, N.W. breeze, after a clear frosty night, followed by heavy rain during night of 3rd. 4th. In afternoon walked to Rathfarnham via. Orwell Bridge & The Narrow Walls & home by bus. Much ivy still in flower but no wasps seen. Lesser Celandine with closed flowers seen just W. of The Narrow Walls & in usual place.